Thursday, 14 February 2013


In all the hell that's being unleashed upon earth by the evil that man is doing to each other, there is a sense of hopelessness attempting to destroy the minds and lives of people everywhere.  There is no surprise at the times we are living in today, death on every side.  Wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes and pestilences, new types of viruses entering into the chain of other deadly diseases.  Mutations of illnesses long ago cured.  Chemical and mass production of food that no longer meets the recommended needs of the body.  Weaker to resist sickness and trusting completely in the scientists.  What a world it has and is becoming.

A world without God
There is a effort in a general sense, as if it were to eradicate the consciousness of The creator in the minds of mankind on planet earth.  The book of 2 Timothy 3 talks about the times we seem to be living in right now, and yet it is as if we have not even touched the iceberg yet.  We are at the entering in of the new age, the age of ungodliness and unprecedented wickedness.  As the days of Noah before the flood Jesus said, so shall it be when the son of man returns.  Luke 17 In this chapter Jesus brings to our attention Lot's wife.  Remember Lot's wife he said.  Sounds like Jesus Christ is warning us of the consequences of disobedience.  Warning us of the danger of worldliness. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.  What do have your heart fixed on, is it on Christ/God, is it on the things of this world, is it tied up in this present dying and decaying age? Are you minding earthly pleasures at the expense of your soul?  That part that God has made to live forever in his presence.  It is amazing that human beings crave to live forever, to stay young and beautiful.  There is all kinds of ointments and creams we use to try and extend the appearance of youthfulness.  But the simple truth is that because of sin mankind started to die from the moment.  The moment Sin entered into the world, and out of God's eternal presence mankind was doomed on a downward spiral.

Created to Live and not Die
We crave to live, because we were created to live and not die. In Genesis the provision for eternal life was present.  The tree of life was in the garden, I believe that if Adam and Eve had passed the test of resisting Satan, and stayed in obedience to God; mankind would be right now living in total peace.  I believe that satan would have been cast into the lake of fire there and then, and that would have been the last ever of his influences on mankind.  I believe the world that man is now trying to attain was partly the embedded dream and some of the purposes of God for human race.  

The only problem now is that our man made efforts are all tainted with sin and is corrupt in it's execution.  Why? because the goals of man only brings glory to himself and not to God.  There is  pride and arrogance, selfishness and greed.  Even in small quantities wont be accepted by God, even if our intentions are honorable.  Why? because man was born in sin and shapened in iniquity. Anything we offer without the washing of the blood of of Christ is tainted and filthy.  But works done in Christ and under his blood cleansing is acceptable to God.  Why? because it no longer to our glory we do what we do but to his glory.  The righteousness we have is his righteousness  and to him be all the glory and the praise. This kind  of worship infuriates the devil because he wants the glory for himself, so the person who is prideful wont want to give God the glory.  So it is written God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble.  Death starts when we are separated from God, when we live without him, his word, his salvation through his son Jesus Christ, when we live away from his presence and out of relationship with him.  When we fail to obey him in making that first step to be born again.  The process of death to life comes by way of new birth.  A new birth, spiritual rejuvenation.  Coming back to life, being raised from the dead in the spirit.  The removal of sin, the death sentence disease of the human race. So whats the cure? 

Be Still
Be still and know that i am God says the Lord God, your one and only true love, the lover of your soul, the real you that you cant see in the a mirror.  That real you that you try to get others to understand and love you for.  God knows you but you don't know him.  He wants you to know him but you cant get to know him if your too busy,  with the weight of the world on your shoulders as it were.  All the pains and stresses, worries and heartaches, rejections and hunger and thirst, not for food most times but hungry to live, to love and be loved, to know your purpose, to be willing to take the journey fearlessly.  For your hand to be held with the look of trust and complete love in the eyes of the one who beholds you.  To rest in that love and never look back because there is no other.  Yes there is such an one.  John 3:16
Know that he is God, he can do what no one else can do, he is greater than all, he is able to turn your life around, he can and will do it in you and for you.  New life now and eternal life after this.  He has already prepared a place for you.  You will live forever in his glorious light and love, you have an inheritance in Christ, there is more with you than there is against you friend.  There is more to life than here and now.  Life in Christ promises more than we can fully comprehend and grasp.
Be still and know that he is God.

Thursday, 7 February 2013


We are no more mightier than our willingness to fully trust and obey the Father, 
Son and holy Spirit...Jlvp
There are a few men spoken of in the bible that tells us a lot about their character. These men all had one thing in common, they all had a relationship with God. Meaning they were close enough to God as to hear his voice. They were given instructions and told what to say on most occasions. In Fact they were men called by God and given a mandate or a purpose to fulfill.
Might i just say that everyone who fulfilled their mandates and went on to be examples to follow, all had one thing in common too.

They obeyed God fully.
There is nothing worst than giving instructions to some who knows more about what your trying to impart to them, without them even hearing what your gonna say in the first place. That's just one example. How about the person that no matter what you say or how you say it, they just don't believe you at all. How long can you go on trying to convince them that you are trust worthy. They seem to not have any confidence in your plan or way forward. Despite the fact that you both have proven all the obvious failings. With proof of past disasters that both of you have experienced. They still don't get it.

So what do you think is going to happen next? there is going to come a time perhaps sooner than later when you will have to part ways. Trust is important in every relationship. Especially when your in relationship with God.

You are living on his his word and trusting in his person. All that God is rides on the fact that God is the only one who really knows you and i. He knew you before you were born. So what is the problem with trust? The problem is innate. And i believe that's why God puts up with our tantrums from time to time. We know he is able, we know he is faithful, we know he wont let us down, but for us it has to be a progressive time of learning to trust the Lord. And God is patient to walk us through the years of learning to know him.

Learning to know God well enough that we know that under no circumstances is he going to change his mind on Sin. And if we knew him well enough, even if only to know this, then we can claim to have some understanding of who God is and what he stands for.
Few days ago i witnessed what is shaping up to be a turning point in this nation and no doubt other nations are looking at this one in many ways as an example. Internally the views of some may render a totally opposite view, but that's to be said anywhere one goes. The turning point i speak of is none other than that of the same sex marriage bill.

Let me save digital ink and cut to the chase here. When a nation who has been given a directive from God to be a light and to be salt, turns from that directive and starts copying the other nations around them. That nation falls under judgment. When that nation claims in God we trust but then starts to exert it's own way of dealing with matters, that nation falls into a path that only leads to judgement. Judgement can come in various ways. Economic collapse social unrest, war.

1 Kings 3
Solomon was one of those mighty men of God who was given untold wealth, because his heart was in the right place in the beginning. He started out in the right place and like his father David, knew he needed God in all his dealings with the children of Israel. A nation whom he realized that there was no way he could govern them on his own. To humble himself before God and wait on God for wisdom would be his way of life as a leader. So God blessed him abundantly, far above any other kings has ever been blessed. Solomon had riches untold and peace of mind in the kingdom to boot. No point having millions and stress to go with it too. God had warned him though. We all like to quote this line and sometimes in a joking way....'With great power comes great responsibility.' Well Solomon had only to stay faithful to God. Of course, to the one who put him in power to begin with. That was not too much for God to ask. When your in a relationship, your asking the silent question too. You know that the future of your relationship and it's longevity depends on fidelity.

So what was Solomon warned about concerning which would bring about his downfall? It was the M word. Marriage is the uniting of two opposites that have come into unity thus making one, opposite in nature/body one in spirit.

Unnatural marriages
Well this was to be quite some deep look into the workings of the word which yielded some truths i found to be closer to home in this present day than i first realized. There were a type of mixed marriages going on that at the time before the God's wrath with the flood, that was unnatural. It should not have been happening but it was. The end result was after a period of time when every imagination of mankind was only evil continually, and after 120 years of Noah's preaching and building the ark, there could be no repentance from the people. His lifestyle of following God's principles was met with utter disdain. Judgement came and as a result the earth was cleansed. You see, sin is of such that it never stops. It keeps on going and asking for more till you are dead. What the governments fail to to see and know is that this situation if allowed to continue will bring the nation down as a whole. Sexuality is the main menu on the list for spiritual perversion. It's part and parcel in occult worship and idolatry. It's apart of apostasy and the one thing that brings about the heart corruption of the heart when used and not honored. Hebrews 13:4

1 Kings 11:1
But Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh. It goes on to list the nations from whom these strange women came from. Not that they were strange in gender or some weird type of female, but strange in their differing lifestyles of spiritual worship. They all had idols whom they worshiped. God had warned Solomon not to marry into these women because of their idolatry practices.

It was not just King Solomon God was concerned about but he was concerned about the nation whom he had given King Solomon to lead. His example would directly influence the nation on a whole. God said, 'Ye shall not go in unto them, neither shall they come in unto you:for surely they will turn your away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love.

Idolatry-Like Adultery
The fundamental fact is that there is only one God to whom we must worship. To say anything else besides that would be to teach a lie and a deception. To say that God is pleased with same sex marriage would be to lie and to teach a deception, and to say it's ok to practice idolatry. If i love anything more than i love God, that thing whatever it is has become an idol to me. And if i done put it away, i bring God wrath upon me. Perhaps like a husband to his wife when he finds out she has been or is being unfaithful, and likewise. I am not condoning a husband who take rage against his wife, I am just sating the obvious outrage that is felt by mere man. How much more God's heart. So what of the same sex marriage proposal? I don't think words can describe the enormity of such apostasy in our midst today.

Keep your heart pure before God my friends. God say to keep the marriage bed pure and undefiled. You may not be perfected yet but God is working on you and with you. Your marriage may not be the one it started out to be, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be what God wants it to be. Keep God in the middle and the top of your marriage and everywhere possible you can let God be involved and your marriage will have no other choice but to be successful. Keep yourselves free of idols, let your heart always seek after God's heart, individually and as a couple.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible. Genesis 6

The True Genesis

THAT I MAY KNOW HIM  From Genesis to John chapter one, a true declaration and account of the beginning of all things. There is no doubt who ...