Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Waiting speaks of being prepared.
Some things to consider while waiting on the Lord.
Are you anxious, are desperate, are you in turmoil?
Are you restless, thoughts flying left to right in your mind, lack of concentration and focus? Is there always something that takes away your primary focus? And is there distractions that just seem to come out of no where?

Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Psalm 37:7

Psalm 37 begins by telling us not to fret, i have a tendency to fret myself and more so when i see or hear of injustice, so i was really receiving what i believe God was about to reveal to me.

The word Made flesh
Awakened from a dream this morning, and as i was making my journey from the land of sleep, I heard a repeating voice saying to me: 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God.' Upon hearing this word and knowing it's from scripture, thought i would get my bible and look into this. Here is what i discovered.

1. Fret not yourself
2. Justice will be met
3. Trust in the Lord & Do Good.
4. Delight yourself in the Lord
5. Commit your way unto the Lord
6. God will vindicate you
7. Rest in the Lord

In Matthew 11:28-39 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.The Hebrew word for rest is nuach. Nachah is a another word related nuach, which means to guide or to lead another into place of or a state of rest. When one has come to a place of rest, the desire is to also lead someone else to that place of rest. That is perhaps the desire in most Christians to give testimony to the unsaved. To invite them to the way of salvation. Jesus is giving the invitation to us to come to him in order to enter into his rest. he say that he will give you rest or that you will find rest in him. This is key because Jesus Christ who is the word become flesh is offering us rest. When God called Moses to go and lead the children of Israel to the promised land, God was giving him the task of being a leader, to lead the people to a place of rest. Moses had to first come to a place of rest himself seeing that he was a fugitive of Egypt. he had fled from the land of Egypt because of his guilt and crime. So he himself needed to come to rest in his own life first, before he could lead. So what is the rest that is being talked about here? this is the rest that can only be found in learning to trust. Learning to follow and learning to obey. Rest comes when we allow ourselves to be yoked to Jesus Christ. He says to learn of him, to take his example of how to bear up under stress and trouble.

Rest in Torah By Jeff A. Benner
Yeshua begins to identify this rest when he says; "take my yoke upon you and learn from me". Here Yeshua is referring to the Hebrews understanding of "learning" which can be seen as two oxen yoked together for plowing. An older, stronger more experienced ox is placed in a yoke next to a younger less experienced ox. The young then learns his responsibilities from the older through the yoke. The rest Yeshua offers is the yoke with which we are bound to him. What is the yoke? How do we, as the younger ox, learn from Yeshua, the older ox? The yoke is the Torah, the teachings of God. As Yeshua walked the Torah, we who are yoked to him learn the ways of Yeshua through the yoke, the Torah.

God is For You
I was beginning to understand that resting in the Lord was not passive but active. that i must actively submit, that i have to simply obey. From there i went to Deuteronomy chapter 8, it was not my intention to read Deuteronomy 8, the page fell there. It accounts of the journey and how the Lord God lead the children of Israel, you will do well to read it and to follow this journey with me. Remember that the reason that i started this study was because of the word that came to me in the morning telling me that i shall love the Lord my God. Then i went on from there to read Deuteronomy 30:11, but i continued from there inn the same chapter to and found the reason why i was there in the first place, i was being lead by the Holy spirit. Deuteronomy 30:11, God is telling the people that his word is not far from them that they couldn't find it. That he was not hiding his truth from them or withholding the benefits of obeying his word. They could not claim that they did not know what God was saying. If they failed to be all God wanted for them, it was not on the part of God's word being out of their reach or it being to hard to follow. It was because of their own hearts, because they wanted to live like the pagans who knew not God while yet still receiving God's favor and blessing. So being able to live in rest and all that comes with it was not going to be apart of God's perfect picture for them nor us.

The word of God cannot be changed, and neither can does God.
Malachi 3:6
God wants all his children to live in peace and to have rest in every area of their lives. So whats the big hindrance then your asking?
Here it is, verses 16 & 17. Deuteronomy 30:16,17 You will see that the continuing verses also expand on this.
Deuteronomy 30:17,18.......17 But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them;
18 I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it.

God is talking about our hearts, where does your love lie? Who has first place in your heart?
If you love me, keep my commandments. keep my word, obey it, follow it, know it and know me. I am the Lord your God.
Let the Lord God speak to your heart as you read and obey his word and enter into his rest.

Deuteronomy 30
Deuteronomy 8
Psalm 37:7
Matthew 11:28-39
Malachi 3:6
Rest in Torah

Monday, 10 March 2014


To set apart as Holy. God has you in mind.

The Urgency
A prayer for sanctification by Jesus Christ for his disciple. As he was praying then he is praying now. It is written that he he, meaning Christ Jesus ever lives to make intercession for the saints, he is praying for you you and I. Jesus Christ is not against you, he is for you. he came to seek and to save that which was lost, that's us. For those who come to him through the sanctifying power of the word of God. His word will bring about sanctification in you if you let him.

Today if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart: Instead, open up your heart and life to his word, it is able to save you and make you free. Today is your day for a change of direction, change of kingdom. Time is running out and soon the world will know in an instant what has been told for decades. It is true, it was actually true all along! I imagine that's the reaction to countless millions of earth dwellers in that day. Jesus Christ said that he will come again and receive his own unto himself. He has left an invitation for you to be one with him and the father. The word of God is a written testament made in blood, an ever true gospel that doesn't change nor deceive lead you.

The Invitation
His truth stands sure today as when it was spoken back then. Give your heart God today, give your life to Jesus Christ today. You don't have time in your pocket that you can put it off as you wish. One day you may never get up from that bed of anguish, you may never see new-years day 2015. The truth is, you just don't know when your time will come, so take stock now and look at the truth of what God's word says and compare it to the voices in the world. It wont take long for you to realize that God really does love you. And he is not willing to leave you behind, God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. That means that God is willing for you to make a change, to choose him and go his way, to follow him and have eternal life with him when this life expires, and that can be at any moment. There is life to be had in Christ Jesus, abundant life. life filled with peace, joy and love. Yes you will have troubles here and there like everyone else, but you will have his grace to keep you in any situation, and when others are buckling you will be overcoming. It wont be easy but it will be worth it.

Sanctify Them
In John 17 Jesus Christ is praying for the disciples and as he prays, he comes to the verse 17. 'Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.' To sanctify something is to set it apart, to set apart for special use or for a purpose. To make holy, or set apart as holy. It is also linked to being in a state of perfection. If the believer can ever reach perfection before he is translated, it would be in the state of sanctification. Jesus is asking Father God to sanctify them, to sanctify them through his truth, and he says, 'Thy word is truth.'

1 Peter 1: 15,16 is greatly urging us the believer to be Holy. To set yourself apart, in mind and in body. Indeed God has set us apart and he is working in us the process of sanctification. It remains that you and i must be willing to keep on being sanctified, keep on being Holy, keep on being set apart. We often say to people that God has a spacial purpose for them: Yes indeed god has a special purpose for them, it starts with sanctification. Set apart for special use, holiness unto the Lord. How can i expect God to use me if i am not Holy, if i am not living a sanctified life? The sanctity of marriage is in it's fidelity. Set apart for only one person's use. Holiness unto the Lord. Without it we wont see him and he wont recognize us.


But how are we sanctified? the answer is through God's word. 1 Peter 1:25 concludes as it draws our attention the Gospel, the word which has been preached unto us. The word which we have received. By which we are saved in the first place, that word which keeps us in him and makes us one in him.

John 17

1 Peter 1

The True Genesis

THAT I MAY KNOW HIM  From Genesis to John chapter one, a true declaration and account of the beginning of all things. There is no doubt who ...