The danger of a multicultural society that has no singular cultural system of foundation or ideology. In short, a nation that forgets God will be overrun by the ungodly masquerading as a religion of peace.
When you turn your ears away from hearing the truth, you will start to believe a lie, there can be only one way to the father and that way has already been told to us. That way has already been demonstrated bought and paid for in blood, death, and resurrection.
Don't be ashamed now my friend because the whole world has gone mad and common-sense is lost as men gaze into the screens of their mobile devices.
No one seems to have a grasp or an ounce of basic truth and understanding, it is like the world has been covered in a blanket of doubt fear, and unbelief. The love and lust for pleasure is now a commodity of a business. Morality is at an all-time low running along the bottom line of men's consciences. We simply allow the evil and profane splutterences of the depraved as we call it art and entertainment.
Danger, danger cries our night dreams but who listens and when will you shake yourself away from the singularity? This is the soundings of a world without God plunging into greater deception not knowing what is truth and what to believe, for who will you trust?
As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the son of man. You hear that? the son of man: the one who identifies with you and who knows your pain and hurt. The son of man who was and is God in the flesh manifested and revealed for your salvation, yes he came back to get you, to take you in his loving arms. But will you believe it, the world doesn't, who cares? Just run to Him in prayer and let him set you free in your mind and spirit from this matrix. Familiar words beating down your spine and part of you know that Jesus is your only hope and stay. So yeah you really don't need another sermon but you really, really do need God because nothing else is working. Nothing else will.
Watch out for the so-called Peace proclaimers, there is only one prince of peace.
When they shall say peace, peace then comes sudden destruction... They promise you peace while they hold a sword to your throat and command you to submit. This is the work of an occult, this is not the God and father of Jesus Christ who loved us and gave himself a ransom for us. Do not be deceived God is not mocked, they will reap what they have sown.
Who are they, by the way, they are none other than the ones who deny the father and the son, the spirit and theme of this age, the Godless society whose creative endeavors only drive a wedge between you and your maker. Run I say run from them and take fast hold of the word of God and turn your heart to believe the only one truth. That Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he is the savior of the world.
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Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)