Monday, 26 September 2016

The Last Enemy

Death can represent its self also in the form of spiritual, emotional, creativity, care, love etc. The manifestations are not limited to physical ending of life but also the death of hopes, dreams, destinies and relationships. This a word to encourage someone as the Lord spoke to me in a dream few days ago, in which he called me near to him and showed me how he was able to restore life to a dead family member. The lord was smiling and as he touched the feet of the dead, I saw life begin to slowly take over; it was absolutely amazing to watch. I was not afraid but I was puzzled at difference the person now was looking compared to how I knew them before. God makes all things new and he has not given up on you.

Suffering Loss
Today if you are in mourning or there is something or someone that has died in your life, God wants you to know that he has the power to resurrect that which seems to have died. Jesus is able to raise that thing from the dead, and he gives new life to it. Don’t expect it to be the same way it was; you will see a new and fresh creation. God's assurance to you is his peace in the midst of the pain and loss. It will seem too hard to bear, but know this, there is nothing too hard for God to restore, and not even death can alter his will concerning you, and the life he has given you. So you must only believe, only trust, only obey, only hope in God.

Change Your Mind
He is not like the unjust judge who only answers you just to be rid of your continual asking, no! You r heavenly father loves you with an everlasting love and nothing can change that. We don’t chastise children because we hate them or because we can’t stand them but because we love them and are trying to save them from destruction; from the paths that lead to destruction. The chastening of the Lord is preserve your soul, to rescue you from the pit and the traps that lie in your path, the pits the enemy has planned for you downfall. Those paths you are determined to walk in, that you have no idea that you are in grave danger of.

You Are Not Deserted
Today if you think that nothing is working for you and all are turning their backs on you, and it even feels like the Lord himself has abandoned you, God wants you to know that he loves you and looks for you everyday, to show himself great on your behalf and if you will stop believing a lie, that he doesn’t love you and that you are an annoyance to him, or that he is tired of hearing your cries; nothing can be further from the truth. These thoughts come from Satan, who knows that God will always love you no matter what. You have to believe by faith in him, because faith pleases him; when you stand on his word putting your confidence in him. When you have faith in God is like saying to him, I believe in you, I know you are faithful and true to your word, I am confident you are telling me the truth, i believe you are who you say you are.

It Will Be Better
Jesus means what he says; he will never leave you nor forsake you. It was always meant for you to be in his peace, and to rest in his words of truth to you. So repent and turn away from the mindset that over time has robbed you, of his assurance and unchanging character. That stubborn will that causes you great despair and anguish and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; your God and your redeemer. He will abundantly pardon, forgive, restore and replenish you. For he says I am the Lord thy God, I am your shepherd.  So I encourage you you whosoever you are out there in this vast changing world, hold on to Jesus Christ and believe his word and trust in his love. Eternity is just around the corner and when the time comes, the lord will be there waiting to receive you into everlasting joy.

Study references

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Beware of the Twisted

Without the Holy Spirit, they are nothing but deceivers.

There are so many intellectual individuals amongst us today it's just about scary, I smile to myself because the wisdom of man is foolishness with God. So many smart, intellectual and brilliant people yet without the spirit of God within us, these so-called "God's among us" can turn out to be total monsters. Actually, anyone of us with a brain can be a monster; a monster with little or much impact however you want to cut the mustard.

Who Are Wolf Sheep? (Reference)
Beware of wolves who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves! I use to think of these people as skulking dark figures with their agendas written all over their foreheads; nope they are more subtle than that. They are perhaps the ones who are the masters of getting everyone to agree on the same worldview system and do it with such conviction that to go against it will seem like apostasy.

Beware (Reference)
Of them, that call evil good and good evil! we are not talking about that car is so cool that the best way to describe it is to say it's BAAD! nope, that's not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is when the truth is replaced with another system of thought that implies that the truth is in fact a lie to you and me. It does not apply to me because it does not work for me, this thing here goes against my freedom of the way I choose to live my life; This is the worldly mentality of the present-day human being. Ok, that would be true if at the end of your life you had no one to give an account to, of the way you lived "Your" life.

Property Of Me (Reference)
My friend your life does not belong to you If you made yourself then perhaps yeah but your life, is really an opportunity to make it big in eternity. Your spirit is eternal and can only continue to exist in one of two places; The new heaven and earth that God will make or the lake of fire that was prepared for the Devil and his angels. Why you may ask, is simply because (sin cannot exist in eternity). Sin cannot and will not be present in the life that will supersede this one, and you and I have been given an invitation to that supper that will kick off an eternity of peace and serenity.

Beware Of Blind Leaders (Reference)
You have to beware of those who will deceive you away from that invitation Jesus Christ has purchased for you. You hold the key to the eternity Jesus has made your's, but you have to stand on the word of God. You have got to believe it and do not let any deceiver fool you out of your inheritance in Christ. The world is moving away from the moral and spiritual standard God has placed for our survival. When people and nations turn away from God major trouble ensues, we close the door on God and open the door to Satan, what follows is depravity and destruction, and more and more deception. The deception that leads you from Jesus and to self-governing systems of belief and carnal ideology.  Matthew 7:13-29 (Reference)

What to Expect In The World Of Tomorrow.  Beware
2 Timothy 3:1-5 
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 
3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 
4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.  
Read on the rest of the chapter.

The Twisters/Galatians 1:1-12 (Reference)
Those who can tell what the bible says but they have their own system of belief and lifestyle, that when you look closer you realize their teaching and influence is deceptive and is in contradiction to who God is and what he has said.  By their fruits, you will know them. 
When they deny Christ they set up the anti-Christ! and the politics and political correctness seek to suppress the truth and to bring in a New World Order of human existence on earth.
Flee the corruption and turn to Jesus Christ today before you run out of time.

Visit the link below to listen to podcasts, may you be blessed and inspired as you study the word of God and get prepared for all that is to come.
Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)

Beware of the Twisted

Without the Holy Spirit they are nothing but deceivers.

There are so many intellectual individuals amongst us today it's just about scary, I smile to myself because the wisdom of man is foolishness with God. So many smart, intellectual and brilliant people yet without the spirit of God within us, these so called "God's among us" can turn out to be total monsters. Actually anyone of us with a brain can be a monster; a monster with little or much impact however you want to cut the mustard.

Who Are Wolf Sheep? (Reference)
Beware of wolves who comes to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves! I use to think of these people as skulking dark figures with their agenda written all over their foreheads; nope they are more subtle than that. They are perhaps the ones who are the masters of getting everyone to agree on the same world view system, and do it with such conviction that to go against it will seem like apostasy.

Beware (Reference)
Of them that call evil good and good evil! we are not talking about that car is so cool that the best way to describe it is to say it's BAAD! nope that's not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is when the truth is replaced with another system of thought that implies that the truth is in fact a lie to you and me. It does not apply to me because it does not work for me, this thing here goes against my freedom of the way I choose to live my life; This is the worldly mentality of the present day human being. Ok that would be true if at the end of your life you had no one to give an account to, of the way you lived "Your" life.

Property Of Me (Reference)
My friend your life does not belong to you, If you made yourself then perhaps yeah but your life, is really an opportunity to make it big in eternity. Your spirit is eternal and can only continue to exist in one of two places; The new heaven and earth that God will make or the lake of fire that was prepared for the Devil and his angels. Why you may asked, is simply because (sin cannot exist in eternity). Sin cannot and will not be present in the life that will supersede this one, and you and I have been given an invitations to that supper that will kick off your eternity of peace and serenity.

Beware Of Blind Leaders (Reference)
You have to beware of those who will deceive you away from that invitation Jesus Christ has purchased for you. You hold the key to the eternity Jesus has made your's, but you have to stand on the word of God. You have got to believe it and do not let any deceiver fool you out of your inheritance in Christ. The world is moving away from the moral and spiritual standard God has placed for our survival. When people and nations turns away from God major trouble ensues, we close the door on God and open the door to Satan, what follows is depravity and destruction, and more and more deception. The deception that leads you from Jesus and to self governing systems of belief and carnal ideology.  Matthew 7:13-29 (Reference)

What to Expect In The World Of Tomorrow.  Beware
2 Timothy 3:1-5 
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,boastful, proud, abusive,disobedient to their parents,ungrateful, unholy, 
3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 
4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.  
Read on the rest of the chapter.

The Twisters/Galatians 1:1-12 (Reference)
Those who can tell what the bible says but they have their own system of belief and life style, that when you look closer you realise their teaching and influence is deceptive and is in contradiction to who God is and what he has said.  By their fruits you will know them. 
When they deny Christ they set up the anti-Christ! and the politics and political correctness seeks to suppress the truth and to bring in a New World Order of human existence on earth.

Flee the corruption and turn to Jesus Christ today before you run out of time.

The True Genesis

THAT I MAY KNOW HIM  From Genesis to John chapter one, a true declaration and account of the beginning of all things. There is no doubt who ...