Thursday, 27 October 2016

Woke up with a song laying in my head this morning, as it seems all through the dream I was in, it has been the backing track.  There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every chain! The track is by Tasha Cobbs and yes it was her voice singing the song too.

Sometimes or rather a lot of time God speaks to me through the lyrics of a song I would hear in my dreams, or just in my sleep. Mmm but this time it was on the back of my dealings with temptation and yielding to it, in whatever form it appears.  it is written in the word of God that a man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed.  Enticed to do or say something that in it's outcome will be sinful or that will cause you to sin.  As human beings we are as it were born in sin and shaped in iniquity and this is due to the fall of man, as is written in the book of Genesis chapter 3.

The origin of sin stems from the day Satan was found to have prideful thoughts that led him to have an inflated opinion of himself and who he was.  Sin ultimately corrupts, it is a scourge on the life of holiness.  When God made man in his image, he gave him a perfect image by which to base his whole life existence upon, because we as human beings need it.  We need the greater than ourselves as a base of operations; operations in creation.  To govern under authority in perfect relationship with the author of all things; made in his image to manifest. Read Genesis Chapters 1-3.

The Lord spoke to me as I was waking out of sleep explaining the reason why I fail when dealing with the sin in my life.  I noticed he was not condemning me like I usually do to myself when I fail, he did not let me condemn myself either but rather to teach me.  Sometimes Christians can be unforgiving towards others because they don't forgive themselves as they should, so they are hard hearted towards others with their short comings, sad really; sad because we forget that the definition of sin is to fall short, to fall short of God's best.  That's what happened to Adam and Eve, they fell short through disobedience.  Falling short is severe, severe enough for God to send his only son to die on the cross to redeem us from the penalty of sin.  God sets a standard and you fall short of that standard, God put something in place to meet your need in a complete way and he has given you the means by which to maintain it, then we fail to hold on to the standard; we have fallen short, fallen short of his best for us.  As a parent he is not more concerned with punishment than he is with redemption thankfully; God sees and knows how hard it is because he did not make us in his image, to be less than his best.  You are the best of all God has made; the best because he made himself the template for you to be built upon! so redemption is his plan for those of you who have fallen short.

Gaining a better understanding of how the devil works towards causing us to fall short is important because we face these incursions daily.
As the Lord spoke to me through the song, that in his name there is power, it became clearer to me that sin has no more power over me than what I have given it.  That somewhere along the way I have of my own act of my will, given or allowed a notion, an idea, a thought to lodge in my mind.  That there is a willingness to accommodate this thing in my life, I have given place to it, so now my struggle with is like trying to break off a relationship with someone who hurts me, then pleases me.  The struggle is in the letting go of the relationship for good; aren't you tired of her/him/it messing with your soul and killing your spirit yet? you need a greater to show you that you that even that little pleasure you derive from that person/place or thing is still not the best you were meant to posses.

The word of God and prayer has the power to set you free from sin and death, and to keep you free.
The word is perfect, the word who became flesh is indeed your creator so the same substance that you were made of is the same power that enables you to break free.  To break free from what causes you to think that you are hopeless, that you will never overcome that person/place or thing.  We as human being use to be perfect, but we are not perfect anymore because we have all fallen short of God's glory.  God's glory is the ultimate expression of his holiness and perfection, and we fell short of that. Satan fell short and fell out of the glory of God, actually he was cast out from the glorious presence of the Lord God.  Like Adam and Eve who also was cast out of the garden of God, the difference is that God still maintains a connection with us, because he calls his children everyday to come back from where they have fallen.

Today if you hear the father calling you to come back and to return to him; then don't delay in packing up and running to him.  God is not condemning you, he is calling you, when you feel condemned it's because the guilt of sin brings condemnation.  You have to acknowledge you are a sinner and that there is sin causing you to fall short.  Our hearts condemn us when sin is present, and if you repented and turned to the Lord and you still feel condemned then you need to let go of the guilt, because God has declared that there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.  Jesus says abide in him, that you are like a branch connected to him as a branch is to t a vine.  That he is the vine and you are the branches, and you cannot survive outside the vine, and just as a branch bears fruit while it's connected to the vine, no more can you bear fruit unless you are abiding in the vine.  It's not just being connected but drawing substance from the vine, substance in order to bear fruit.

Genesis 3
There is a word that came to my understanding, in which I find one of the key reasons we fail in regards to temptation resulting to sin is this; one of the key factors is Entertainment.  I would even go so far as to say that it's the main reason; it is the sly yet destructive allure of entertainment.  Today it seems the only understanding we have of entertainment is relating it to only media entertainment.  We dont seem to view it as a ba thing because it's not always prresented that way, so as I was looking up the word entertainment I came upon some very interesting discoveries.  The educated and scolar may view this as laughable but I propose to break this down to it's simplest, while grasping the true meaning from the word of God.

The True Genesis

THAT I MAY KNOW HIM  From Genesis to John chapter one, a true declaration and account of the beginning of all things. There is no doubt who ...