& it only getting worse, so what do we do?
There is a warning that Jesus Christ gave his disciples before he was crucified, and the warning is extended to us in this day and age. The warning seems more relevant for us today than when it was spoken back then. Jesus said in Luke 21:32-35 we should be careful to not let our hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, drunkenness and the cares of this life and so that day takes us unawares. For as a snare shall it ensnare everyone on the face earth. He is saying don't let that be your fate.
Jesus was talking with his disciples about their time and the times ahead of them after his departure. He at the same time is speaking to us concerning the days ahead of us before his return. And he is warning us to be on guard for what will cause us to miss out on our election. As if to say, Jesus does not want us to go through or experience the The Great Tribulation. Why would he? the chances that we would be more faithful in our walk of faith in those times are slim to none. Chances are most of us wont make it during the tribulation period. Yes there will be a remnant that will come through the great tribulation but you don't want to be a hero. You want to be ready for the Rapture. You want to be accounted worthy to escape the time of temptation, that will try everyone on the face of the earth.
A Time of Wrath
People sometimes make a joke about these things and mark it down to just religious fantasy but we are hard press today to not recognize that the Bible is actually right. That what God says in his word is not actually happening today. The fool have said in his heart that there is no God. We are more ready and accepting of evil and wrong doing than we are of accepting that God sent his son Jesus Christ to redeem us from the wages of sin. We try to hold on to our sinful nature because in it we love our wicked and corrupt deeds. Most of these deeds are pleasurable, we enjoy them while they last. We don't want to be reminded of the consequences, we want our own way, so leave us alone we say.
Overcharged Surfeiting
As i was reading this chapter my concentration was drawn to these 2 words. As i looked up the words spoken by Jesus in the book of Luke chapter 21. I noticed that these words speaks of excessive overindulgence. We are living in a time of just that. Technology is advancing at an alarming rate, no sooner than we have adopted to one format in comes another one making the previous obsolete. Unnecessary waste is being accumulated on an unprecedented level. News of minerals and metals are being used to point of Oblivion Yes i know i am being a bit dramatic but nonetheless it is the truth. We are full of knowledge and and stuffed to capacity of things, and while we are getting to grips with the last thing, in comes another. How many social media sites can we all be on at the same time? I have so many passwords now i have to write them down, i don't bother tying to remember them anymore. Jesus is warning us of a time that will consume our every moment crammed full of input. And he is warning us to not be overcharged with surfeiting. He goes on to warn us about drunkenness, and the cares of this life. On top of all that's happening in the world and in our lives, don't let these things drive you to drunkenness. Drunkenness can take the form of being made numb to the excessive trials and stresses we face by seeking to be numbed to it. Drink, drugs and pleasures that only numb us but never give us peace. The cares of this life, things that take priority in our lives that render us unfruitful and unprepared and overly busy. So caught up in every new thing, running to and fro to catch this and learn about that and to see whats next. Overcharged with Surfeiting. It is those who are caught up in the cares of this life that will not be ready at his intervention. The intervention is an event you and i are called to be apart of. Time to leave is the call to be ready.
For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Roman 1:28
The human condition is that the further away from God we move our hearts, the more reprobate we become We start calling evil good and good evil, we can no longer tell what is good or evil, it's all seems to have been rolled into one. Like a backward ideology, like a reverse purity. God then gives us over to those things we love the most, he allows you to do what you want, even if it kills you, because he wont force us to be holy. But if we humble our selves then there is forgiveness and healing. There is newness of life and a fresh start. God's way is perfect, even when i don't understand or think it is best for me. His way is best for you and i. If we trust him with what is most difficult in our lives he always makes a way of escape. God will never allow us to be tempted above what we are able but will with that temptation also make a way of escape for us, so we will be able to bear it. There are some things God wont remove from your life but if you will lean on him with all you've got, he will show himself mighty on your behalf. God is not mean, he is a father. God is Holy.
The Warning
But what of the warning, why heed it? Because we are called to be ready. The warning is more like advanced knowledge. Here are the plans and this is how to be ready, all you gotta do is stick to this plan and you will be safe. If you don't then your putting your life in grave danger and perhaps those around you, so stick to the plan. When i say we i mean all who are walking by faith in Jesus Christ. Who have made that decision to live their lives with Jesus Christ our Lord and personal savior. Who desire do this thing called life, God's way. It is not enough to know something about Christ or to have grown up in a christian home. Or even have righteous values with integrity in heart. All our rightness is filthiness unless we lay it all down at his feet in repentance. Unless we are willing to admit that my best is not good enough, we must confess that his best is good enough for us and so we are living in his righteousness. Not our own. So when when someone brings pressure on you to prove it, then we point them to the one who did. We point them to the perfect one. The one who paid it all for us all to have the gift of salvation.
Get Prepared
Today, if have heard his voice, then don't harden your heart but give in to the love of God that's constantly calling you. Today is the day of salvation for you. The fact that you woke up this morning is proof to you that God has allowed you to be alive another day, to come and get to know him. To be made apart of his kingdom and be made secure in his grace as he keeps you. Yes God keeps all his children, are you willing to be a son/daughter? are you desirous of a new life and a longing to be transformed as it were? If your reading this then your next step will determine your destiny. Just talk with God, pray in your own words and tell him everything, pour it out to the Lord Jesus Christ, he knows your hurts and pains but he needs your permission to start the healing process in your heart and life. When you finished telling him all your heart then ask him to come into your heart and make you a child of God. You are guaranteed your prayers will be answered. Do it today, do it now. Bless you.
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