Saturday, 7 December 2013


It's funny that we were never told or required to celebrate Christ with a day called Christmas or Christmas day.  But there are many things we celebrate that we were never asked to, but we do it anyway.  Is it a bad thing though that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on a particular day? Well i don't think so.  The birth of Christ and his coming into the world is a worthy celebration, and should be encouraged in view of the fact that he will be returning again.  The world ain't gonna want to see his appearing as much as the baby in a manger version though.  why is that? well because this world is in darkness and love to have it so.  Everyone loves a good party and the sweeter it is the longer it's desired to be.  No one loves a party pooper. Some of us don't want to be told to repent and get right with God.  While some will welcome his appearing with longing open arms, others will hate it extremely.  Because men love darkness rather than light.  It is the sin nature within us that drives us away from the light of God. But if you make a choice to turn to God, he will give you the grace to walk right before him.

God will help you to overcome that situation that seems to control you.  As if you have no power at all to say no.  Instead of resigning to that thing, resign to God that thing whatsoever it is.  God will turn it around for you he will save and restore your strength, he stands poised ready to show himself great on your behalf.  But you have to submit to him and let God do it in you. Your problem, your sin your lust, your lying. stealing, hypocrisy, whatever that thing is in your life that gets the better of you, will have to bow to a greater power.  Let God in your heart and life today and let him take your burdens away off of you.

Jesus told the disciples that they will be hated by all nations for his names sake.  Christians will be the most hated people on planet earth in the years to come, when The new world leader takes his position.  He will be given the power to overcome the elect, the saints of God.  Yes that's you if you if your a christian in the tribulation period.  The realities of the times to come are so encroaching upon that it's hard to deny it's effects already.  Epic storms and catastrophes on a global scale that's ever increasing.  Economic chaos, the catalyst for new world order.  A new world of thinking and a new leader to control it all.  But how did i get from Christmas to end time prophesy? that's easy.  Because we all act like Jesus Christ is still a baby at Christmas time and then we forget about him till Easter. We forget all about him till someone blows up a building filled with so called innocent people.  The perpetrators don't think the people are innocent otherwise they wont kill them.  No, in the eyes of the Terror-Artist your guilty because you no different from the soldiers who resist them.  You just don't have a gun to protect yourself or defend your country.  They are bringing their fight to you, they aren't waiting to be attacked.

Not a baby anymore
Somewhere between Christmas and Easter we have failed to realize that Christ is really coming back again and he is coming for a church that is without spot and without wrinkle.  That means holy in spirit and in truth.  That's you and i making a daily choice to stay connected to Jesus from the heart.
What if he returns on Christmas day? that would be awesome, that is if we are all ready and not upstairs in the bedroom sleeping with the neighbor's wife.  Or having sweet fornication with that oh so cute babe or that hot guy.  Terminology may sound innocent enough in this app world but being caught with your pants down is a sure fire to miss your Lord when he comes looking for you.  The problem with waiting and time is that it can mess with your head.  You can find yourself doing and thinking things you never have before.  And before you get caught up in the addiction of that pleasure, learn to deny yourself.  Keep your garments white and spotless. Count the cost and consider what your trading, and if that fails do like Joseph. He just ran from that temptation.

This is just a snippet of a few thoughts.  So during this Christmas holiday season when your chicken is in the oven and the cakes are browning.  Just remember that Jesus loves you so much that he came, was born as the son of man, was beaten and tortured, died, rose again from the dead to secure your soul, purchased your ticket to eternal life with him.  No matter what you suffer it will never compare to the price Jesus paid for you.  You just have to ask yourself one question, is that sin worth of your eternal soul?

Have wonderful Christ-Celebration.

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