That I May Know HIm Podcast is a new and creative way to listen to the Holy Scriptures, with a mix of sound design, and music production. The goal is to help believers grow in thier walk with The Lord Jesus Christ, while introducing the good news to those who are seeking to know him. 1 John 5:20
Friday, 4 April 2014
Know the truth and be prepared, this world is not your home. We are to occupy till Jesus returns not sit in comforts.
Remember that every believer goes through some kind of persecution and is tried on some level and at the point God determines he intervenes. But we are meant to be dwelling on his intervention but being faithful in all things even in afflictions, to endure till the end. running the race and so on.
When the trial is over and you have endured and have been faithful God will keep his word to never leave you nor forsake you. We were never told to look for signs, we were told to Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. 2 Timothy 4:2 Not to be so comfortable that we'r just not concerned except with our own deliverance and comfortable we get.
Romans 12:2
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
We were told that when we see these things to look up our redemption draws nigh. That is a comfort to know that you had believed the truth that as these things begin to happen you must remain on the stand you took in Christ. Continue to live Godly in Christ.
Read Noah's account
Remember that Noah in spite the fact that God rescued him, he had to live among the wicked for 120 years while he was building the ark, while he obeyed God, while he was grieved with the ungodliness of the people around him. Lot had the same experience, it is said that Lot was a just man and it grieved him because of the life style of the people. Job went through his grief of loosing everything as he was tried in the tribulations Satan brought upon him.
The heroes of faith talked about in the book of Hebrews chapter 12, all went through tribulation/trials and testing. Jesus Christ was crucified and rose again. All that will live Godly in Christ shall suffer persecution. It's our portion.
So that we will reign with him, we must go through the straight gate and walk the narrow way. So let us no be deceived and so that day catch us unawares. It should not matter to the believer weather there is a Pre-Trib or post-Trip, because our eyes should be on Christ no matter what!
God has promised to keep us in perfect peace, even in the midst of tribulation, trials, persecution, testing, hardships, hurts and pains. Romans 8:32-39 speaks to you and reassures you that you are in God's hands and your salvation is sure, that non of these things will diminish and separate us from God's love.
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