Wednesday, 9 July 2014


Today if you are tempted to turn away your ears and heart from the voice of God, Don't, it's the Enemy speaking!

Luke 4
Jesus Christ was led of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil, he fasted for 40 days and nights and during that time Satan came to him to tempt him. Jesus was hungry, the natural need of man and the need to fulfil what the body wants and needs was upon him. Sometimes the thing you hunger for the most can be a source of trial in your life, either the waiting for it, or the longing after it. Hunger, Jesus Christ was hungry, there was that time when the disciples begged him and urged him to eat and he said to them that he has meat that they do not know of. They looked at each other and asked each other if someone had given him food. Jesus was speaking of the fulfilment of doing God's will. Hunger was embroiled in his satisfaction at keeping his father's will, at completing his mission, to fully obey God the father. John 4

Know When the Voice of the Devil is Speaking, it's distinctly selfish.

So Satan comes with his very first temptation, 'If you are the son of God, then command that these stones be made bread. ( Why are you fasting, aren't you the son of God? why are starving yourself, use your power to make bread of these stones) Tempted to meet your own needs instead of relying or waiting on God. If you are the son of God then you surely have the right to make bread and feed yourself! God promises to take care of you but in spite all we do at times we want to do it all, there are some things God wants you to rely on him for, there are some things that will never come into our hand unless we learn to completely depend on God. Depending on God will teach you to obey him fully. The temptation to meet your own need instead of obeying God is the trial of your faith. Satan comes to tempt you out of God's best for you, just like he did with Eve then to Adam in the garden of Eden.

How One is Tempted
A man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. When there is a need, a longing, a hunger, then your enticed into taking steps to attain satisfaction. Your mind kicks in and you start fantasising and creating an image in your mind of how where and when. Your in deep dodo now and your too blind to see what's happening. That's why denying yourself is so hard to do, patients is a hard virtue to learn, because it asks you to deny yourself. Give your will, remain where you are till God leads you to move. If Jesus Christ had yielded to just one of the Satan's suggestions, that would have been the end of the human race. Remember that he was lead of the spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil. It was his time to face the dark one, the key moment and the passage of time it took to come through the trials.

All in Christ
Everyone of of God's children will enter that valley, that wilderness, that time of trials. We have an advocate with the father, the man Christ Jesus, he been there and can help us in our time of trial. Sometimes we fail and God picks us up, then the time comes round again and we are tried again and again till we learn to only lean on God. The trial of our faith works patients, but we must let patients have it's perfect work so that we will be perfect and complete wanting nothing. God allows you to go through so that you will come through. The potter fashions something out of clay and the clay has to go through the process of being pressed and shaped and watered and spun and broken and rebuilt and on and on. But that's not it yet, the clay have come through the oven to be deemed complete, wanting nothing. Some people give up at the going through stage, they don't make it to the coming through stage.

Luke 4:1-4
Your coming through is not just about you, it's about the God in you who brings you through, it is by him that you come through. Your coming through will also be a source of help to the many souls who feel their alone, it will be a double wammy of victory displaying the power of God.
Learning to lean on God is and will be your life line in this life.

The process will teach you that you can depend on God's word, that you can and will live by his word. That his words are true and without it your nothing really. You will learn that his word is spirit and that it is life, you will not only read his word but you will start praying his word. His word will become your very life. You will come to realise that your life is not just a matter of eating and drinking, that it takes more than food to sustain living. You will come to understand Jesus's answer to the devil. That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

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The True Genesis

THAT I MAY KNOW HIM  From Genesis to John chapter one, a true declaration and account of the beginning of all things. There is no doubt who ...