Wednesday, 15 October 2014


No matter the situation and how long it's been going on, you must pray and speak life giving words. Pray but do not speak in contradiction to your prayers. Either as a joke or in gossip. Line up you words with the word of God and with your prayers. It may seem foreign for you to make declarations regarding your life and circumstances but that's because as human beings we don't live up to the image God has set for us. And as Christians we many times fail to walk in the spirit.

It's not natural to walk in the spirit because our flesh is always or most of the time against the spirit. Speaking in tongues when you don't even feel like praying in English. Sometimes it takes hours for us to get off the bed to pray despite the desire to pray. So you must act in faith, in faith because it's the only way to get results the flesh cant and is not willing for you to go the extra mile to get. You have to believe the word and fashion your life to it and by it. life as in the way you usually go about your daily life.

The world is getting darker and the allure of carnality is getting stronger and less perceptible. It all seems logical and human, no ultimate wrong or right, just opinions and standpoints. But in God it's not so. So work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. let us mind the words we speak knowing that they do indeed have power to bring life or invoke death. We were made in the image of God and as he spoke the world into existence, so we must be on guard when we thus open our mouths.

Make a New Start Today
Take some time today and pray to God confessing all the idle words you've spoken, repent of every word spoken in negativity and death. Thank God and worship him for his great mercy in keeping you despite your words. Then as you pray now make new declarations in line with what God has already declared is yours and has promised to you. Confess the truth of who God says that you are and declared it t the atmosphere. Speak life into your life as told to you by God, agree with God in your prayers and declarations. Stand on the the words of God and believe them with your whole heart. it will be done and as you change your speech in line with your prayers all lining up with the word of God, your situation will have no choice but to change. No matter what the outcome just give God all the glory.

Your Father Loves You
God is your father and loves you with an everlasting love. 1 John 3:1

Visit the link below to listen to podcasts, may you be blessed and inspired as you study the word of God and get prepared for all that is to come.
Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)

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