Recently I have been drawn to the topic of Balaam. Interesting character, and I have found a reoccurring theme.
In the book of revelation the name Balaam is mentioned even as his doctrine, which will be apart of the end time deception that's already gripped the world, even as I speak. It is written in the bible that that time will not come until there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed. Falling away or the apostasy. A turning away from the fundamental truth of the word of God. Turning to fables and new age ideas and ideologies.
Dreams, scientific findings, political correctness, the list goes on. Problem is, when you turn away from the truth, you end up believing a lie and it is worst when you have known the truth to then be believing a lie. It's harder to return back to the truth again. Near impossible to do but God says He that comes to me I will no wise cast out. They that call upon the name of the lord shall be saved. So if you have turned away from the truth of God's word or turned your back on God. Today is the day of salvation, repent and turn your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, he will abundantly pardon. There is no greater Love than the saviour's love for you. This is your day for reconciliation.
Revelation 2
The doctrine of Balaam is described as one who loved the wages of unrighteousness. It would seem that he could not control his appetite for gain and the gift of God on his life that was meant for service to God, he used it to make a profit. And it lead him into all kinds of idolatry and carnal practices. In 2 Peter 2:4-15 talks about in great detail about the heart of those who have left the right way and have gone in the way of Balaam son of Peor. In verse 15 of 2 Peter 2 it is said that Balaam loved the wages of righteousness. His heart was not right with God though he knew God he failed to fear God as he should. There was a point when he came close to death as the angel of the lord was about to slay him, if it had not been for the donkey that began to speak with man's voice. No doubt God opened the donkey's mouth to give him final warning. How many times have we've been warned and yet we continue in our madness pursuit of sin? 2 Peter 2
Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. The story continues in the book of Numbers and goes on to say that Balaam taught Balak, king of the Moabites how to entrap the children of Israel. To lead them into idolatry. How did he do this? by encouraging the children of Israel to socialise with the Moabite women, in whoredom and harlotry and idolatry. The story is always the same, but the worst part of it is that sexual morality is always a part of idol worship. Somewhere somehow it's in there, and it's one of the hardest sins to overcome. The children of Israel was mingling with the very nation that sought to destroy them. Baal Peor or Balaam son of Peor could not curse the children for money so he did the next worst thing. I can only imagine he got a fat cheque for his services. Numbers 22-25
It is this same spirit and doctrine in our present time that's corrupting the present day Church of Jesus Christ. The love of money is indeed the root of all evil. But why in this present day and age there is a revival of this spirit of Balaam? 2 Timothy 3 tell us that in the last days perilous times shall come. Men/women, will be lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unthankful, unholy, unloving, without self control, brutal. despisers of good, traitors, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of Godliness but denying its power. It continues, and as it does, the encouragement comes as the urgency to hold fast to the word of God is vital for survival. That the scriptures are able to make us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. That too is a theme that continues to remind us that the time is nearer than when we first believed, that the night is far spent and the day is at hand. It is time for the child of God to wake up out of sleep and behold our redemption is nigh. It is even at the door.
2 Timothy 3 Romans 13
BALAAM SON OF PEOR ( Who are the Nicolaitans? )
Study list
Numbers 22-25
Revelation 2
2 Timothy 3
2 Peter 2
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