One woman in the right place at the right time can make all the difference. The same can be said for the man too. Some one said when God couldn't find a man he sends a woman. That statement may sound as if God is at times left without a plan but as far as I know, God always has a plan. When men are not where they should be women often step up to the plate. They have no other choice. But that does not make it the right or the best form of action. When this happens it creates an imbalance and unnecessary conflict between men and women. Proverbs 31 Woman
Take Adam and Eve. It was Adam's responsibility to protect Eve, because God gave him the commandment to not eat the fruit from off the tree from which God commanded him not to. Fine, Adam went about his day, seems he didn't even look at the tree since then. After while God observed Adam and saw his heart. There was no one like him among all that God gave him. God said it was not good for the man to be alone.....So God put him to sleep and took a rib from Adam and with that God made Eve. Awesome Eve. When Adam saw her I imagine his jaw dropped, wow, this is now flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. Genesis 2
Amazing, did Adam knew then and there what God had done? I imagine tears came to his eyes when he saw her. It was the longing of his heart and God knew that. Now when Satan presented himself and deceived Eve into eating from the tree. Nothing happened. It was only after Adam ate the fruit that both their eyes were open. At that point it was Adam's rightful position as the one who the commandment was given to, and as head, to say to eve, his wife. No my love, this is not God's will for us, take the fruit from her and chuck it. Satan will always attack the one who was given the commandment. He will will always cause you to question God's authority and his word. To imply that God is lying or he is not who he say he is and to deny his power. To imply that God is dishonest. That he is keeping you from having a good time or holding back from you what you should have. When in fact God is protecting you from certain death. Spiritual death and in some cases physical death. Some of us would have been dead long time if it had not been for the Love and mercy of God.
Bishop speaks of headship. Genesis 3
STAY IN TUNE WITH GOD 1 Corinthians 12
In the body of Christ, which is the church, Jesus Christ is the head on his body, the church. If a woman is made a bishop then the type and form of the role of headship has been compromised. And does not resemble the order God sets in place for the man and the woman. It would be a distortion to the biblical view and scripturally unsound. The example is the same in marriage. The husband is the head of the relationship, head of the home. When the man, the husband is not in his place in the home, in the marriage. Chaos ensues. Satan finds a way to break the marriage because he always attack the one who has the role of headship. And he will use the wife to challenge that head and many times totally unaware to the wife or woman. So if the man or husband is not in tune with God, he doesn't know how to protect his wife and the marriage/relationship falls apart. All kinds of external pressures come against the relationship. Sometimes if not most of the time, it is the simplest issues that if not dealt with with wisdom, can destroy the relationship/marriage.
BISHOP OF MY SOUL 1 Peter 2:24,25
Study list
Genesis 2,3,4,5,
Proverbs 31
1 Peter 2
Ephesians 3,5
1 Corinthians 12
Titus 1,2,3.
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