The Blindness that is in the world through unbelief &
The New Life in that is available through Christ Jesus.
John 5:1- 47

So blind and refuse to see, so deaf and will not hear, so wise yet all our wisdom is foolishness. God has not left us without a way, nor has he hidden himself. The Father/God has given his word to us to live by, to learn of him, to know him in a personal way. He came in the person of his son Jesus Christ to do for us what we could not do. That is, to break the power of sin. The thing that leads us to death. That causes murder, death, kill, greed and all the evils in the world. Mankind brought this on himself when he turned his ear to Satan. By one man's disobedience sin entered the world and death by sin. And so by one man's obedience forgiveness of sins and reconciliation to God entered the world. That man meaning Christ Jesus. We were made by God for God, to have fellowship with him. By him we live and move and have our being. The spirit within man craves for union with the creator. There is one thing that separates you from your heavenly father/God. That thing is Sin. It is written, For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Death, meaning not just the end result of dying but death which speaks of being separated from God. To live without God is to live in a form of death. Like a zombie if you like. There is movement but there is no life. ( ) John 5:40
New Life in Christ
To live is more than just breathing, and without the spirit man cannot live. When you come into relationship with God the father, then you will begin to live. Anything else, your just waiting to die. Jesus said. 'I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.' I really hope and pray that someone who reads this will start to realise that God does love them and is waiting for them to make a decision about their lives, and to move towards Jesus Christ in repentance and walk into a new experience. New life in Christ and with the father/God.
2 Corinthians 5:17
It is written, If any man/woman be in Christ, they are a new creature/new person, old things are passed way, behold/look and realize, all things are become new. The way to God the father is simple. Repent of your sins, turn away from your wrong lifestyle which leads you to death/separation from God and his love. And surrender your heart to Christ.
In prayer you may use these words as your words or the meaning of these words in your own words. Either way it will be your confession as you enter into newness of life in Christ. Bless you.
A Prayer of repentance and salvation
Almighty God, i come to you in repentance, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and i need you, Forgive me of my sins, i accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour, who died and rose again for my salvation, Amen.
What next?
If you have prayed this prayer or similar in your own words then you have just entered the Kingdom of God, your heavenly father. Now get a hold of a Holy Bible and spend some time each day reading it. And before your read pray and ask God to speak to you and help you to understand his word. Then find a bible believing church to attend so that you will grow in the grace of God. Or you can reply to this post to me and i will try and help.
No More Separation
1 Corinthians 3:19
Genesis 3
Romans 5
Romans 6
Acts 17
John 5
John 10
Ephesians 2
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