Are we asking the obvious question...Why?

Seems we as God's children are all suffering from a form shortness of memory. Is it not written in
1 Peter 4:12-19 concerning the things that pertain to Godliness and living in light of trials and sufferings, that the child of God will face sufferings? And if judgement begins in the house of God, and the righteous scarcely be saved, then where will the sinner and the ungodly appear? Have we all gone soft are have we all gone silly? is there a blanket of denial that covers our eyes as we think and act like the world? That now our expectations mirror that of this world too?
When i was a young christian we use to say at certain times in our relationship with God, that we need get back to Bethel. It was during those times we realized that we were slipping into a type of worldliness or losing closeness with God. It was a time were renewed our commitments to God and strengthened our dedication to walk with God. It was a time when we got back to the fundamental place our relationship with God and each other. Like in the case of Jacob and Esau, a restoration of brotherly love. It speaks of the place of reconciliation. Forgiveness and returning to sweet fellowship.
(Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the sons/children of God.)
1 John 2:15-29
The spirit of worldliness is rampant and we must get back to Bethel, and get out of the way of Balaam. Just before Christ left he commissioned us to go into all the world and preach the good news, you know the rest. But he also said that we must take up our cross and follow him. That all that will live Godly in Christ will suffer persecution. That we must die to self. Romans 6:20-23 The wages of sin is death, there is no in between. So in the fear of the Lord i must do like the apostle Paul. We must press towards the mark. Know who you are and whose you are, and do his will. Mark 16:15-18 I encourage every child of God today to shake off the spirit of this worldly mentality. That blinds us and binds us to conformity. That causes us to think, act and desire to be so comforted that we lose our identity in Christ. that we humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways and seek his face. Then.
Romans 2
After reading and an article and being prompted to write this blog, i noticed i had made a mistake in one of the scriptures i had included. Romans 2:20-23. So went to see what my mistaken scripture reference said. Seeing i could not recall the reference nor could i correct it. But lo and behold it could only be God guiding my fingers as i frantically typed. I wont try and reinterpret the passage because it speaks for itself. Only to say to myself as if looking in a mirror...Be careful how you judge, for with what measure you meat, it shall be measured back to you. Matthew 7:1-5