Choose you today who you will serve
After the death of Moses God had already chosen the next leader to take the children of Israel into the promised land. God informed Moses about his plans and he told him the reason why he, Moses was not going to be the one to lead them any further. It came to a pivotal point in the life of Moses and he made a few mistakes that God deemed enough. God was protecting his people and his servant, who was his friend too. Moses was considered to be a friend of God. But even humble respectable people and close friends can fall out of line. Sometimes our zeal can get the better of us and our bright ideas can be a disaster in the making. Sometime we as friends or our friends can miss the meaning and purpose by which they seek our good. Or they or us can fail along the way, to see us in the progressive journey our individual lives are on. Someone or something has to pull back from the brink. God always sends a man or woman to either tell us or help us out. So now I am cautious when I seek to give advice, because I am aware that God has a much higher purpose for my friend than I can see. Or may understand at the moment.
The good news is, is that God will never change his will or word. he wont change his character to suit the world. It is the world that has to change and by God's help. With man it is impossible but with God all things are possible. We can count on the Lord Jesus Christ to be faithful. So in knowing this unchanging God, we then seek to stay humble before him.
Religion in the spiritual sense has a way in telling us that any and everything is allowed, as long as no body gets hurt. But that is a lie and a great deception. True religion is actually the practice of charity and maintaining a holy life style before God. James 1:23-27
In regards to the system of the world and the direction governments are going in, it is clear that bible prophesy is being fulfilled as we speak. The current religious 'Freedom' we see today that is being eroded, is merely a foretelling of things to come. Christians may seem surprised but it is no surprise at all. We all knew from the day we got saved what kind of world we would be living in, still somehow we are not prepared for the kind of situations we will find ourselves in. It all just seems to be happening a lot sooner than we think, and we know it will get mind blowingly worst. Alas the day is far spent and the time is drawing nigh. So let us cast off the works of darkness and lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us. Hebrews 12:1
Hebrews 12 (The Encouragement)
It will mean that in the future any Christian preaching the gospel in the streets will be arrested. How bad do you think it will get, have we all lost our minds, have we all been bewitched? Did not our Lord said that these will be the signs of the times to come? why are Christians trying to build a utopia on earth? have we forgotten the examples of the past kings who made alliances with ungodly kings only to face God's judgement? Did he not say to come out from among them? If we love the world, we have become an enemy of God. Do we think that we will win the world after we have joined the world? Do we not realize that every relationship will be tested to reveal what it really is? There will be friends that we will have to part from, as our stand in Christ will be in direct conflict with the nations on a whole.
Salt & Light
No man can serve 2 is impossible. Matthew 6:24 God wont allow it. not now not ever. What will be like when the nations implement The Mark of the beast? We are counted as sheep for the slaughter.....We are children of God, and that is who we are. The world does not know us because it does not know him. But when he comes, it will be revealed who we are, for we shall see him as he is. Beloved now are the sons of God. and does not yet appear what we shall be. Everyone who has this hope in him, purifies himself, even as he is pure. 1 John 3:1-3. Meaning, be ready, get ready. We are not here to stay. So let us quit trying to fit in. We aere not called and chosen to fir into the world's system. We were called to be Light and salt. Matthew 5:13-16. The voice of many crying out in the Modern world, prepare thy self to meet thy God. It can be a banquet or a banishment. May we now consider the times and judge ourselves lest we be judged along with the world.
1 Corinthians 11:27-31 Self examination.
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