Wednesday, 16 January 2013


The Modern World (New age same deception)  
It would seem there is a definite increase in the rise of the modern lifestyle.  Perhaps this is what it was like in Noah's day. There was a time that Jesus told his disciples to shake off the dust from their sandals as a testimony against those cities and towns who refused them and their message.  He said that it will be more tolerable for Sodom in the day of judgement than for those people who 'Like in our modern world' reject the truth of God's perfect way for mankind. Evermore is the urgency to come out from among them and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing.  Or shall I say that we walk worthy of our calling.  To remember we are the called.  To live in like manner.  To be true to whose we are and who we are. To remember that just like the disciples, we too are warned of all these things.  Tempted on every side.  Still I have to confess that I am being kept by God, beyond every failure and attack. God is keeping his children, all of them.  All the father has given to Jesus, will be kept, and none of them will be lost.

Jesus came to do the will of his father.  Why? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, John 3:16.  The key thing is that God is Love.  Jesus was the only one who could make atonement for mankind.  He was the only spotless lamb of God.  His sacrifice would have been the ultimate, and the only perfect one. In whom there was no sin at all.  By this he could say that he is the only way to God the father.  The only way by which you and i can have redemption.  There is only one way you can speak the truth, and that is to live the truth.

The values that shaped the future for the family of the human race is under attack from an old ancient enemy.
It is true, we are not alone in the universe and God has not left us without a way.  Nor has he abandoned us to our doom.  Doom hovered over the human race since Adam and Eve's disobedience to God by listening to the Devil. Yet God prepared a way to save man.  A way that's contingent on our acceptance and repentance.  God never forces you.  He invites you lovingly.  He shows you how much he loves you and hold his hand out to us, daily.

The problem with the modern world is that it clearly deceived   Deceived by a very old enemy.  A dark angel, an entity that hides in lies and parades in deception.  He flaunts the pleasure of sin as if it were some kind of alternative  He knows that this Modern world just wants to escape. People just want to sleep, they just want to have fun, no rules we say.  Yet everything is govern by a rule of some sorts.  Denial is rampant in the mindset of the Modern world.  The Modern world is saying more and more that it doesn't need God, or a God.  Technology and science has all the answers for this modern world's mindset.  Away we go, running from the source of life, building higher, moving further, staying in denial. Still there is no escape off this rock, and only one way to peace, love, joy and fulfilment.  Romans 6:23

The Good Shepherd
Jesus said i have come that you might have life, and that might have it more abundantly.  I believe the only reason he said might, is because it's your choice to have what he has for you.  John 10:10

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