Believe Them Not
Perhaps it's time to stop listening to the gainsayers and naysayers and the atheists and the so-called wise men and the teachers with itching ears and all the ones who by the time you paid them your full attention, you walk away feeling further away from God and the truth which you know he has given you. Do your own research and if it does not line up with the word of faith and reassures you of the salvation you have in Christ, dump it! Gosh if an angel were to come down from heaven and gives you a word that's clearly not in keeping with his written word we are instructed to not believe, so why are you going to turn back on your faith for a mere man!? Galatians 1
The word of truth is a standard and all other information should support it, otherwise, all you will have is doubt and confusion. When you have the truth you don't go looking for reasons to doubt, doubt is an enemy to truth.
I had a dream on the 3rd of March 2015 and as I wrote the dream down and meditated on it, I realized there was a word hidden in the dream a message. Here is the message: (Looking back is a sign of fear, which opens the door for the enemy to attack you with doubt more fear and finally unbelief. Which causes us to become stuck.)
Remember Lot's Wife. Fear
"Lot's Wife" pillar, Mount Sodom, Israel.
Doubt and unbelief are just as dangerous as a terrorist, lending your ears to such voices is like putting your hand on a hot pan. Doubt breeds fear and unbelief which has a paralyzing effect on us. Fear keeps you from moving forward and doubt holds you back. whatever you are doing or trying to do or stepping out to do, if you listen to fearfulness and be lured into doubtful conversations it has a degenerative effect on your faith and purpose. It's the same trick Satan played on Eve in the garden.
Keep Well Away
Arguing scripture is just as bad as having a discussion with the devil, no matter what you say he will twist his response to you because his mind is already made up. He will either pretend just to keep you going or make a joke out of everything you say, best is not to get into sparring matches with anyone about the Holy Scriptures. Rather speak the truth in love and if you see that they have made up their minds, resist getting into an argument, It will not be worth your time.
Visit the link below to listen to podcasts, may you be blessed and inspired as you study the word of God and get prepared for all that is to come.
Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)
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