Friday, 22 January 2016

Run For The Hills

The promises of God will never fail to reach you.
King David learned this first hand, he reflects upon it and worships God and praises him for who he is.  
Psalm 121:1-8
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.  

Ever feel like the world is crouching in on you, like you're being hunted and hounded, like everyone just wants a piece of you and you just want to run away? Well get in line, its all the trend since the dawn of time, since Sin came into the world by the fall of mankind.
Sometimes we run and when we feel no one truly understands us, in most cases we run from one messed up situation to another. Then, there comes a time when we run into what seems to be the right situation and surely we all need that in our lives, but I would like to draw your attention to those times in your life when you really need to leave and get away from the crowds. Life can feel like a multitude of attention seekers all vying for your time energy and talents, so running to the right source is very important.

Lets take 3 instances in the lives of three individuals who felt the weight of being in charge or to have the responsibility and the pressure of standing up and being counted.

Jesus Matthew 5:1

Adam Genesis 3

Moses Exodus 19:1-5

Matthew 5:1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
Seeing the multitude, Jesus went up into a mountain, each verse speaks to us about the steps we take when a simple or a repetitive situation becomes what seems to be a huge burden. Here Jesus is not running away from the multitude but he is going to position himself where it's better and easier to minister to the the people, but first he has to set himself. Jesus when he was ready, when he had some alone time in the presence of God.  Think about what it means to be set.   It was customary for Jewish rabbi's to sit and teach, that seems to be the case here too.

Let's look at Moses who had a similar situation when he had to separate or put some distance between him and the people who were all looking to him for direction and answers.
Exodus 19:3 And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;
Moses too had to go up into a mountain and his reason was to hear from God so he could have some answers for the people and the destiny of the nation of Israel. Perhaps it's one of those I feel like running away moments as this multitude of people would really try the patience of Moses in the coming years.

Running but where you run to, is what determines the course of your journey.
Then we have Adam, who when he heard the voice of God in the garden became afraid as he was hiding from God. Sin and the penalty of sin causes you to be afraid of being in the presence of God. While God is calling to you for relationship and a deeper intimacy we can find ourselves running away instead of to him. When we run from God, we end up in the traps the devil sets in our way. The devil is always and forever trying to ensnare you and God is always reaching to you with love and calling you to have fellowship with him. The world was made for your playground as you grow in perfect union with your creator.

So what can we learn form these examples? We can see that Jesus Christ took time to make the journey into a mountain terrain to set himself.  To be in that position so he can hear from his father and be ready to give of himself. He positioned himself on a high point in order to see clearly all that was below him, standing with God will always put you at a vantage point. When he was set, his disciples came unto him, he was able to perhaps first minister to those closest to him, before he ministered to the multitude. God is a god of order and not confusion.

We can learn from Moses that as a leader hearing form God is as vital as being in a position of leadership. Recognising that we need to run to God as leaders will keep us humble because we are made aware that we cannot lead unless we are willing to follow God's lead. We must get set and ready to go and to be all what God calls us to be, he has put greatness in you so don't be afraid to let it come forth though your life.

Letting what God has placed in you to come forth through your life, while you run to God all at the same time is your anchor in the storms of this life. We can learn from Adam that we should never run away from God no matter how scary it may feel and no matter how guilty and condemned you may be feeling, God is love and he always have a way to make it right. You have to most certainly trust him despite how hard the road seems, remember you're not alone. God is with you in that situation either to prepare you for better or to bring you out for the better, so instead of running from God just run to him and say, 'Hear I am Lord' Jesus Christ gave his life so you could live then he rose again from the dead so you could live forever with him, no more death and you were not meant for hell fire but for heaven's gates. Run to God today!

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