The Race Is Not For The Swift
There is a saying that the best offence is a good defence, but I think that both are key and also another few elements. In Christian life, we are encouraged to view it as like a race. A race that's not for the swift or for the strong but a race to endure, time happens to all. We are to view this life and christian walk as a runner, who prepares and then sets out on the journey. The journey of success is a long and winding one, Christ also says that the man who has set his hand to the plough and looking back is not fit for the kingdom. So we can see there are quite a few things we need to consider when embarking on the road to success. SPEED VS TIME Matthew 24:13
Offence & Defence
I will liken team success to game of basketball. Recently as is my custom to play basketball at the local sport centre, I realised something about team work and about about being in the kingdom of God. That my attitude towards winning or being successful is not about my own success, or best I can shine or stand out among the rest, but it's about team success as a whole. That's what a team is, a team is a unit of different parts working together as a whole, reaching for the same goal.
Team Rules
There are rules to the game and rules to how the team operates within that game. Like as in the human body the goal is total unity. The eyes doesn't say to the hands, 'I don't need you, I can handle this on my own!' No! there is no infighting in the human body for roles and positions. The body knows what it is and each member plays their part to move the body forward, to maintain successful operation on a whole. When one part of the body/team suffers the whole team/body suffers, when one part is successful the whole body/team shares in that success. The body rejoices within itself for each victory it accomplishes.
Unity Is Strength
You can say that at the end of a delicious meal, the body rejoices over a job well done; hands you were great in getting spoon off the plate, and eyes you were great in showing the hand where to go. This is all done without the brain stopping to mention it, it's a silent unity that's in total agreement. When you shout after you've seen a goal while watching telly, your body gets involved with the jubilation, your heart pumps blood through the vessels in anticipation and your leg muscles are fired up as you leap off the your chair shouting Yeeeeeeeaaaahhsss!! You sit back down still buzzing and your body is silently cheering; not the game but you.
Big Does not Mean Better
The team I was apart of was perhaps rather weak, not many big men, not many good shooters, not many good defensive or offensive players. Still we managed to win most of the games we played against better matched players, why? because we fought together.
We did not have it perfectly together but what we had was team spirit and we did not argue amongst each other or at each other. We supported each other not so much with words but in being a back up to each other. And we did not get bent out of shape when we lost because we knew if we got it right before, then we could get it right again. We had time to adjust our strategies, maximising our efforts in the next game.
Team Strategies
Some key points to consider: Your defence may not be that great but as long your team gets back on defence every time, Your chances of reaching your goals will be constant. When you are in offensive mode each team member has to be totally supportive and provide back up. The one who takes the shot must shoot with total confidence. Shooting with confidence is not just about your skills and abilities but about your team's back up and support; anyone can miss a shot but the point is not to stop aiming for the goal. Don't give up! if he misses the team must back up the shot by stepping in to make a put back, with attempts by the team to retrieve that missed opportunity; or that missed opportunity will turn into a disadvantage. Your attitude is that as long as one of your team players shoots the ball, the ball still belongs to your team until it's secured in the Goal/hoop, thus gaining the relevant points the team needs in order to advance forward.
I remember releasing a loud jubilant cry as one of my team mates gained 2 points for the team lol, one of the opponents said to me that why am I yelling, it wasn't me who made the score, but I said to him but he is my team mate and when he scores I score!
Our last game we won it much more easier than the first game. Playing better is not as important as playing better as a team, no one man can do it all by himself when he is apart of a team and the team Can't sit back and expect one player to do it all.
Team Mates
The greatest two man team of all time is a Husband and his wife, a Man and Wo-man! God sure thought so when he said ' And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 1v18 Kjv
When looking at the word MEET in Greek and the translation to gain a deeper understanding of the woman's role and this is what I found.
5177 tygxánō (from tyxō, "become ready") – properly, to strike (hit the mark, i.e. "spot on," "hit the bullseye")
God Knows Best
You can say that God was saying that the woman will be a perfect fit for the man, she will be just right. God is saying that the woman is the best help for the man, that she it's the mark perfectly and precisely. A help to him that is spot on and ready. There is no better team on earth the man and the woman in perfect unity, these two becomes one as a team; a match made in heaven.
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