So why is the world in such a uproar and people just cant seem to see the obvious? why is it that people everywhere are so blind that they cannot see that Islam is an ungodly religious, political ideology ? what is going on here, political correctness has blinded the minds of people so they cannot decipher what is truth from what is a lie. Tolerance seems to have taken on a whole new meaning in these times we are living in, we even tolerate Satan worshippers and celebrate Halloween. Yes freedom of speech is great and to allow every man the right to practice his or her own religion is even the freedom of choice God gives everyone. Still in spite of this God commands every man/woman everywhere to repent. God gives the freedom to choose but he asks you to choose his righteousness above your own, God is worthy of it and you are his creation and he does not desire that you should die in your sin.
Adam the first man was perfect in the day God made him and in God's image made he them male and female. Adam disobeyed the command of God and by his disobedience sin came upon his wife and upon the entire earth, even creation groans and travails in pain waiting for the adoption to wit, the redemption of our bodies, the recalling to perfection like it once was. Yes sin fell upon nature too and it's all corrupted by one man's disobedience. Then through the ages and at the right time God sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins and by his obedience, like as a second Adam, he has reconciled man to God through Christ Jesus. So that now when you return to God in repentance thus accepting what Christ did for you, you will be saved by his grace through Jesus Christ.
Saved by his grace, granted total pardon because the price for your sins have been met by Jesus Christ. The greatest thing in life that you can ever do is to repent of your sins and give your life to God through Christ Jesus.
God only accepts your repentance through his son because it was he who paid the price for you, so do not let anyone fool into thinking that there's more than one way to God. More than one way to fullness of life and salvation, being made right with God; Jesus Christ is the only way to God and fullness of life in him. Not Buddha, Confucius, Mohammad, titan,Allah, Ares, Heracles, Thor, Gabriel the Angel, Osiris,Vishnu, Anubis, Muse, Artemis, Cronus, Hades, Satan, Lilith, Dionysus, Re, Odin, Prometheus, Aphrodite, Krishna, Horus, Apollo, Athena, Zeus, Shiva, Isis.
Joshua 24
Joshua made his choice clear whom he was going to follow and on whose side he will stand on. The time came to move forward and in order to step into the new journey God was leading them into, they needed to make a choice, they needed to make up their minds about leaving all the false gods from their past. The gods of the nations around them were not the gods that delivered them with a mighty hand, they are all false gods so why waste your life serving them? Joshua had made up his mind and like he did in that time so must the people of the nations make up their minds.
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Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)