Saturday, 25 March 2017

Depart from the false gods

A British Islam and a reconciled British Muslim identity are what is needed say a CAIR spokesperson, but that is I think is the problem right there. There is no such thing as a British christian because salvation in Christ has nothing to do with with the nations in which he or she is living. Same as is with Islam and even to the extent by which Sharia law is demanded by said ideology. Islam is so far removed that in order to match an identity one would have re-categorise it in such terms as you have just listed. Which is absolutely ridiculous and therein lies the Identity problem. But whose identity? does the young British man/woman knows not that they are British and if they choose to follow Mohammad they still need to identify themselves with being British? Yes! why? because Islam is a political Ideology pretending to be spiritual and holy! it has it's own laws and that must be adhered to, therefore there will always be an Identity problem when one tries to associate nationalities with Islam. If you try to view Islam in a similar way as Christianity you are going to hit a brick wall, it's not like Christianity, it's not even of God nor was it God breathed. When nations and societies fail to know the difference they end up paying for that blindness. You can say that everyone more or less knows what Christianity is all about, they know that the bible does not teach, death to the infidel and that submission though God requires it, he has made the way and he is not just merely demanding it. What has Mohammad done for you, did he give his life a ransom for all mankind, does he make intercession for the saints, does he love us with an everlasting love or does he even teach that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not die but have everlasting life? No No No!! Even if Mohammad was a messenger sent by God, he broke the cardinal rule by assuming to take the glory all for himself and have rejected the son of God like the stone which the builders have rejected. The teaching and the ideology of the Koran could have never come from God because it's completely anti-Christ.

So why is the world in such a uproar and people just cant seem to see the obvious? why is it that people everywhere are so blind that they cannot see that Islam is an ungodly religious, political ideology ? what is going on here, political correctness has blinded the minds of people so they cannot decipher what is truth from what is a lie. Tolerance seems to have taken on a whole new meaning in these times we are living in, we even tolerate Satan worshippers and celebrate Halloween. Yes freedom of speech is great and to allow every man the right to practice his or her own religion is even the freedom of choice God gives everyone. Still in spite of this God commands every man/woman everywhere to repent. God gives the freedom to choose but he asks you to choose his righteousness above your own, God is worthy of it and you are his creation and he does not desire that you should die in your sin.

Adam the first man was perfect in the day God made him and in God's image made he them male and female. Adam disobeyed the command of God and by his disobedience sin came upon his wife and upon the entire earth, even creation groans and travails in pain waiting for the adoption to wit, the redemption of our bodies, the recalling to perfection like it once was. Yes sin fell upon nature too and it's all corrupted by one man's disobedience. Then through the ages and at the right time God sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins and by his obedience, like as a second Adam, he has reconciled man to God through Christ Jesus. So that now when you return to God in repentance thus accepting what Christ did for you, you will be saved by his grace through Jesus Christ.

Saved by his grace, granted total pardon because the price for your sins have been met by Jesus Christ. The greatest thing in life that you can ever do is to repent of your sins and give your life to God through Christ Jesus.
God only accepts your repentance through his son because it was he who paid the price for you, so do not let anyone fool into thinking that there's more than one way to God. More than one way to fullness of life and salvation, being made right with God; Jesus Christ is the only way to God and fullness of life in him. Not Buddha, Confucius, Mohammad, titan,Allah, Ares, Heracles, Thor, Gabriel the Angel, Osiris,Vishnu, Anubis, Muse, Artemis, Cronus, Hades, Satan, Lilith, Dionysus, Re, Odin, Prometheus, Aphrodite, Krishna, Horus, Apollo, Athena, Zeus, Shiva, Isis.

Joshua 24
Joshua made his choice clear whom he was going to follow and on whose side he will stand on. The time came to move forward and in order to step into the new journey God was leading them into, they needed to make a choice, they needed to make up their minds about leaving all the false gods from their past. The gods of the nations around them were not the gods that delivered them with a mighty hand, they are all false gods so why waste your life serving them? Joshua had made up his mind and like he did in that time so must the people of the nations make up their minds.

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Monday, 20 March 2017

God Is Faithful To You

God is faithful and keeps his promises no matter the circumstances, no matter how you feel it wont change what God has promised you. Now is your time to get up off where you have fallen from, from where you have been discouraged and rejected.  You have now only one course of action left and that is to trust in the Lord God who made heaven and earth.

Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.  That's a promise that cannot be altered, when the king makes a decree it cannot be altered. They are things that God has promised he will do and what is left now is for you to believe and discover them in your life.  There is no more time to be in confusion, if God be God then serve him. The day is late and the shadows are fleeting away, the people are crying in the streets and evil is all around us; how long halt ye between two opinions? stop mucking around and live the life God has ordained for you to live.  This not a chastisement, this is an earnest urgent encouragement and exhortation.  Rise up! take up your bed now and walk! walk I say for the time is short and we don't know the day or the hour our Lord will Rapture his bride, the chosen ones.

Jesus said that he has chosen you and not the other way round, yes the Lord has called to you because he has chosen you; have you disqualified yourself from his election? then get back in line because his love still stands ready to wash you and to present you faultless.  Today if you are far from the Lord and feel like you just don't have what you use to have, the vigour, passion and hunger for your savior, turn around and return to your first love.  Jesus is calling you home, home is where he is and what he says you are to him.  It is Christ that died yeah rather that is risen again for your salvation, he went to hell and back to make your salvation a done deal.  Now with all this time on your hands to be restored to him, don't squander it with riotous living like the prodigal son did. Not everyone gets the opportunity to get back in right relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, some die while they are outside the fold and are lost forever; let it not be you!

I know that I am writing this for someone out there, so when you read this leave a comment and let me know how you are, after you have prayed of course. Now I pray for you that having read this you will be restored to full faith in all you do where ever you are. I pray that you will be strong  and be encouraged. Jesus loves you and there is still time to make it back if you act now.  I pray that your heart will know that you are loved deeply, that the Lord using me to reach out to you today so you can be set free from every chain that seems to bind you. As soon as you ask the Lord to save you, you will be saved!

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Visit the link below to listen to podcasts, may you be blessed and inspired as you study the word of God and get prepared for all that is to come.
Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)

Saturday, 18 March 2017


Are you facing temptation? Matthew 4:1-11
And Jesus being led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be (tempted) the Greek word translation for tempted is 'Tested' seeing that Jesus did not have a desire for sinful actions or behavior, nether was their sin in his heart or mind, still yet in all points, he was tempted or rather tested just like are.

The temptation is only a sin when you yield to it.

The word says yet without sin Jesus was tested, meaning he did not wield to Satan thus committing sin. The temptation could only be to illicit his obedience but never his inward desire to satisfy a sinful desire. When we are tempted, we are tested to satisfy our carnal sinful desire, part of us wants to commit that act, part of us wants to yield and the other part does not. With Jesus, he didn't want nor desired to even though he was hungry and thirsty from fasting. when Satan could not tempt Jesus according to the carnal nature, he used the word in a way to cause Jesus to contradict himself (Twisting the word of God) Any act of obeying Satan would have resulted in sin and Jesus would have never been able to be a perfect sacrifice for us. If Jesus had turned those stones into bread the entire human race would have been destroyed, it would mean that God would have committed a sin and Satan would have won, gaining total control of the universe. Satan was still attempting to become come to God thus replacing God at the same time. Maybe not though, imagine that if God was sinful, all would be lost and there would be nothing left of beauty and righteousness. A world without God is a wasteland as all flesh would be destroyed. Aren't you glad that God is holy and that he never changes, that God is love and is full of mercy and compassion, tender-hearted and forgives the evil men do?

The test of love.

The testing of Jesus was a pivotal moment in the universe, the fate of humanity rested in his obedience to God the Father, just like how Adam disobeyed so in turn Jesus obeyed, thus setting the record straight. Jesus had reset the balance and took the keys of death from Satan and he did it prostrated on the cross. The greatest superpower exhibited was in total surrender to the will of his father. People talk about love but they have no real idea what it means, love is walking in harmony with God and man. When you love in accordance with God's will and purpose then you can say you have real true love. Read 1 Corinthians 13 for the fundamental precepts for love.

Marriage & God.

Jesus loved the father and by his obedience, he showed and proved his love. His desire was to do the will of his father and to fulfill it. That means he was committed from start to finish, he didn't take a break halfway through or said 'Oh I need a break to be on my own for a while No! The relationship was and is an oneness relationship. In marriage, the two have become one flesh, which means your relationship should be way better than when you two were single. The world has it the other way round, maybe because there is no real deep enough teaching on the marriage relationship or there is a fundamental flaw in the thinking of men and women when it comes to marriage.

God's ways are the best ways for you.

The truth is you have gotta do it God's way or you will be a victim to Satan's plan to make life a living hell on earth in your love life. Satan while he was trying to tempt was not offering him something better, no, he was trying to steal by trickery, by deception, and by lies. Satan has one agenda and it is summed up in this; the thief comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but Jesus Christ came to give you life and that more abundantly. So today if you are faced with a temptation that has a place in your heart, then I urge you to confess it to Jesus and let him give you the strength to resist the devil. You are no match for Satan, you won't win against him on your own. Even when it feels like you are all alone when facing temptation, know that God has not left you to be defeated, let it go to God. Jesus is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the throne of his father. If you fail at any time always run to Jesus with your failure, never try to hide it from him. Jesus already knows your weakness and he is your strength, he is your life, your joy, and your peace. When you are weak then you're strong in the Lord Jesus Christ who strengthens you. remember prayer is the key, always use it no matter what.

Visit the link below to listen to podcasts, may you be blessed and inspired as you study the word of God and get prepared for all that is to come.
Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)

Friday, 10 March 2017

What Is Islamophobia?

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
To be quite honest I don't believe there is even such a thing as Islamophobia, I think it's a label that has been given to people who voice or disagree with the teachings of Islam. There is a word for people who don't believe there is a God and that's not a phobia, it's simply unbelief. I won't go down that road at this time. The following is a comment I made on YouTube while watching...

There is such a famine of truth these days, there is no wonder that in these end times the deception shall be great. Truth is who Jesus Christ is, the way and the life in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Let us get complete clarity and stand by the truth which is in Christ Jesus Amen.

So it's all the fault of Pauline Hanson and anyone who asks the question, why does Islam produce extremist radicalization? Let me rephrase, why does the teaching of Islam lead to produce a type of radicals bent on revenge in the name of Allah and his prophet? let me try again. To question Islam is to exhibit Islamophobia. To link Islam with Islamic terrorism is to miss understand Islam as not being a religion of peace, is that correct? somehow I think the point is not being fully ironed out.

Peace Peace They Cry
If Islam is a religion of peace why is it so hard for it to just forgive, move on and live in peace? Why? because without Jesus Christ the son of God, all Islam has is Revenge! It's like trying to talk someone out of taking revenge, they won't listen because they are blinded by what they feel is their right. They will never see it from your point of view and they will never look inside at their own hearts and sins. They are blinded by fear and hate which equals revenge! that is Islam in a nutshell. Acts 4:12

The 10 Commandments
God gave us the 10 commandments, a set of rules to govern the human fallen nature of man. The commandments on their own cannot sustain mankind but is a fundamental building block of basic spiritual legal controls. Why? because of sin's destructive nature. The laws God laid down were meant to sustain man till the coming of his son who would be the sacrifice for our sins.

The School Master
The law kept us in check till the perfect sacrifice came. The perfect sacrifice was made and now the law has strength through Jesus Christ. This strength is now not solely dependant on the law but is birthed out of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. So now as we live in Jesus, his life and sacrifice purify us when we trust in him. Jesus's victory has become our strength, the strength to live right and do right, kept by God through Jesus Christ. In Islam, this not the case but is in direct conflict with God's way and the life that comes through Jesus Christ. In that Islam denies the son of God as the savior and establishes Muhammad as a type of demigod. Islam is by nature an Anti-christ religion and anyone who practices Islam is in fact an idolater. It is indeed idolatry plain and simple and the ideology does not line up with God's holy word as written in the Bible.

Pushed and being forced to accept a religion that is in its foundations, a violation of the path to eternal life which is only through Jesus Christ. This Ideology is increasing upon the masses and as we are seeing now is becoming more and more demanding. The world is in great danger and the deception is like a storm cloud. Do you really think that when Jesus Christ returns he is going to be hand in hand with Muhammad? There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. Jesus and Jesus alone are the savior, he is not just a prophet and there is no other prophet, priest, and king that is higher than him.

Watch the video then continue to read my reply 
She is not even listening and she is not replying to the question. She keeps repeating the same thing all the time, it's like it's just blowing over her head. You are telling me you want to pass a law on something and you don't even care about the definition of the word? are you serious? either they don't care or they don't understand the difference between a people and a religion/ideology. Scary time ahead. Seems like this lady is herself afraid to acknowledge the point he is making, sounds a lot like fear, perhaps a kind of phobia to reason.

The truth is that they cannot define it! because it's not a word! the mindset is to just use it so often that people will draw a synchronized opinion on the word. Then when it gains enough traction with the same social response, then it's defined. It's defined because of its widespread use. Oh man, this is so ridiculous! still, it's a really big deal when a government does it.

Discrimination Definition...The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. recognition, and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. Phobia extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Abnormal fear, irrational fear, obsessive fear, fear, dread, horror, terror, dislike, hatred, loathing, detestation, distaste, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repulsion.

 You gotta ask the question, why!? isn't it obvious?! 
Quite a few words in the meaning of phobia do describe the Islamic ideology and to be quite honest, a reason for Islam to be challenged. Instead of forcing people to accept something with grave questionable belief systems. 

God says in his word that he has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 If God wanted mankind to have Islam he would not have given Jesus Christ and his spirit. Perhaps this way people will see Islam for it really is and accept Jesus Christ who is indeed the prince of peace and come to know the love of God. I just pray it will be sooner than later.

Study List
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Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)

The True Genesis

THAT I MAY KNOW HIM  From Genesis to John chapter one, a true declaration and account of the beginning of all things. There is no doubt who ...