Saturday, 18 March 2017


Are you facing temptation? Matthew 4:1-11
And Jesus being led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be (tempted) the Greek word translation for tempted is 'Tested' seeing that Jesus did not have a desire for sinful actions or behavior, nether was their sin in his heart or mind, still yet in all points, he was tempted or rather tested just like are.

The temptation is only a sin when you yield to it.

The word says yet without sin Jesus was tested, meaning he did not wield to Satan thus committing sin. The temptation could only be to illicit his obedience but never his inward desire to satisfy a sinful desire. When we are tempted, we are tested to satisfy our carnal sinful desire, part of us wants to commit that act, part of us wants to yield and the other part does not. With Jesus, he didn't want nor desired to even though he was hungry and thirsty from fasting. when Satan could not tempt Jesus according to the carnal nature, he used the word in a way to cause Jesus to contradict himself (Twisting the word of God) Any act of obeying Satan would have resulted in sin and Jesus would have never been able to be a perfect sacrifice for us. If Jesus had turned those stones into bread the entire human race would have been destroyed, it would mean that God would have committed a sin and Satan would have won, gaining total control of the universe. Satan was still attempting to become come to God thus replacing God at the same time. Maybe not though, imagine that if God was sinful, all would be lost and there would be nothing left of beauty and righteousness. A world without God is a wasteland as all flesh would be destroyed. Aren't you glad that God is holy and that he never changes, that God is love and is full of mercy and compassion, tender-hearted and forgives the evil men do?

The test of love.

The testing of Jesus was a pivotal moment in the universe, the fate of humanity rested in his obedience to God the Father, just like how Adam disobeyed so in turn Jesus obeyed, thus setting the record straight. Jesus had reset the balance and took the keys of death from Satan and he did it prostrated on the cross. The greatest superpower exhibited was in total surrender to the will of his father. People talk about love but they have no real idea what it means, love is walking in harmony with God and man. When you love in accordance with God's will and purpose then you can say you have real true love. Read 1 Corinthians 13 for the fundamental precepts for love.

Marriage & God.

Jesus loved the father and by his obedience, he showed and proved his love. His desire was to do the will of his father and to fulfill it. That means he was committed from start to finish, he didn't take a break halfway through or said 'Oh I need a break to be on my own for a while No! The relationship was and is an oneness relationship. In marriage, the two have become one flesh, which means your relationship should be way better than when you two were single. The world has it the other way round, maybe because there is no real deep enough teaching on the marriage relationship or there is a fundamental flaw in the thinking of men and women when it comes to marriage.

God's ways are the best ways for you.

The truth is you have gotta do it God's way or you will be a victim to Satan's plan to make life a living hell on earth in your love life. Satan while he was trying to tempt was not offering him something better, no, he was trying to steal by trickery, by deception, and by lies. Satan has one agenda and it is summed up in this; the thief comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but Jesus Christ came to give you life and that more abundantly. So today if you are faced with a temptation that has a place in your heart, then I urge you to confess it to Jesus and let him give you the strength to resist the devil. You are no match for Satan, you won't win against him on your own. Even when it feels like you are all alone when facing temptation, know that God has not left you to be defeated, let it go to God. Jesus is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the throne of his father. If you fail at any time always run to Jesus with your failure, never try to hide it from him. Jesus already knows your weakness and he is your strength, he is your life, your joy, and your peace. When you are weak then you're strong in the Lord Jesus Christ who strengthens you. remember prayer is the key, always use it no matter what.

Visit the link below to listen to podcasts, may you be blessed and inspired as you study the word of God and get prepared for all that is to come.
Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)

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