Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
To be quite honest I don't believe there is even such a thing as Islamophobia, I think it's a label that has been given to people who voice or disagree with the teachings of Islam. There is a word for people who don't believe there is a God and that's not a phobia, it's simply unbelief. I won't go down that road at this time. The following is a comment I made on YouTube while watching...
There is such a famine of truth these days, there is no wonder that in these end times the deception shall be great. Truth is who Jesus Christ is, the way and the life in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Let us get complete clarity and stand by the truth which is in Christ Jesus Amen.
So it's all the fault of Pauline Hanson and anyone who asks the question, why does Islam produce extremist radicalization? Let me rephrase, why does the teaching of Islam lead to produce a type of radicals bent on revenge in the name of Allah and his prophet? let me try again. To question Islam is to exhibit Islamophobia. To link Islam with Islamic terrorism is to miss understand Islam as not being a religion of peace, is that correct? somehow I think the point is not being fully ironed out.
Peace Peace They Cry
If Islam is a religion of peace why is it so hard for it to just forgive, move on and live in peace? Why? because without Jesus Christ the son of God, all Islam has is Revenge! It's like trying to talk someone out of taking revenge, they won't listen because they are blinded by what they feel is their right. They will never see it from your point of view and they will never look inside at their own hearts and sins. They are blinded by fear and hate which equals revenge! that is Islam in a nutshell. Acts 4:12
The 10 Commandments
God gave us the 10 commandments, a set of rules to govern the human fallen nature of man. The commandments on their own cannot sustain mankind but is a fundamental building block of basic spiritual legal controls. Why? because of sin's destructive nature. The laws God laid down were meant to sustain man till the coming of his son who would be the sacrifice for our sins.
The School Master
The law kept us in check till the perfect sacrifice came. The perfect sacrifice was made and now the law has strength through Jesus Christ. This strength is now not solely dependant on the law but is birthed out of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. So now as we live in Jesus, his life and sacrifice purify us when we trust in him. Jesus's victory has become our strength, the strength to live right and do right, kept by God through Jesus Christ. In Islam, this not the case but is in direct conflict with God's way and the life that comes through Jesus Christ. In that Islam denies the son of God as the savior and establishes Muhammad as a type of demigod. Islam is by nature an Anti-christ religion and anyone who practices Islam is in fact an idolater. It is indeed idolatry plain and simple and the ideology does not line up with God's holy word as written in the Bible.
Pushed and being forced to accept a religion that is in its foundations, a violation of the path to eternal life which is only through Jesus Christ. This Ideology is increasing upon the masses and as we are seeing now is becoming more and more demanding. The world is in great danger and the deception is like a storm cloud. Do you really think that when Jesus Christ returns he is going to be hand in hand with Muhammad? There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. Jesus and Jesus alone are the savior, he is not just a prophet and there is no other prophet, priest, and king that is higher than him.
Watch the video then continue to read my reply
She is not even listening and she is not replying to the question. She keeps repeating the same thing all the time, it's like it's just blowing over her head. You are telling me you want to pass a law on something and you don't even care about the definition of the word? are you serious? either they don't care or they don't understand the difference between a people and a religion/ideology. Scary time ahead. Seems like this lady is herself afraid to acknowledge the point he is making, sounds a lot like fear, perhaps a kind of phobia to reason.
The truth is that they cannot define it! because it's not a word! the mindset is to just use it so often that people will draw a synchronized opinion on the word. Then when it gains enough traction with the same social response, then it's defined. It's defined because of its widespread use. Oh man, this is so ridiculous! still, it's a really big deal when a government does it.
Discrimination Definition...The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. recognition, and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. Phobia extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Abnormal fear, irrational fear, obsessive fear, fear, dread, horror, terror, dislike, hatred, loathing, detestation, distaste, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repulsion.
You gotta ask the question, why!? isn't it obvious?!
Quite a few words in the meaning of phobia do describe the Islamic ideology and to be quite honest, a reason for Islam to be challenged. Instead of forcing people to accept something with grave questionable belief systems.
God says in his word that he has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 If God wanted mankind to have Islam he would not have given Jesus Christ and his spirit. Perhaps this way people will see Islam for it really is and accept Jesus Christ who is indeed the prince of peace and come to know the love of God. I just pray it will be sooner than later.
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