Thursday, 22 November 2012


Greatest threat to the modern day Church of Jesus Christ  
Recently I have been drawn to the topic of  Balaam. Interesting character, and I have found a reoccurring theme.

In the book of revelation the name Balaam is mentioned even as his doctrine, which will be apart of the end time deception that's already gripped the world, even as I speak.  It is written in the bible that that time will not come until there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed.  Falling away or the apostasy.  A turning away from the fundamental truth of the word of God. Turning to fables and new age ideas and ideologies.

Dreams, scientific findings, political correctness, the list goes on.  Problem is, when you turn away from the truth, you end up believing a lie and it is worst when you have known the truth to then be believing a lie.  It's harder to return back to the truth again.  Near impossible to do but God says He that comes to me I will no wise cast out. They that call upon the name of the lord shall be saved. So if you have turned away from the truth of God's word or turned your back on God.  Today is the day of salvation, repent and turn your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, he will abundantly pardon.  There is no greater Love than the saviour's love for you. This is your day for reconciliation.
Revelation 2

The doctrine of Balaam is described as one who loved the wages of unrighteousness. It would seem that he could not control his appetite for gain and the gift of God on his life that was meant for service to God, he used it to make a profit.  And it lead him into all kinds of idolatry and carnal practices.  In 2 Peter 2:4-15 talks about in great detail about the heart of those who have left the right way and have gone in the way of Balaam son of Peor.  In verse 15 of 2 Peter 2 it is said that Balaam loved the wages of righteousness. His heart was not right with God though he knew God he failed to fear God as he should.  There was a point when he came close to death as the angel of the lord was about to slay him, if it had not been for the donkey that began to speak with man's voice.  No doubt God opened the donkey's mouth to give him final warning.  How many times have we've been warned and yet we continue in our madness pursuit of sin? 2 Peter 2

Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.  The story continues in the book of Numbers and goes on to say that Balaam taught Balak, king of the Moabites how to entrap the children of Israel. To lead them into idolatry.  How did he do this? by encouraging the children of Israel to socialise with the Moabite women, in whoredom and harlotry and idolatry.  The story is always the same, but the worst part of it is that sexual morality is always a part of idol worship. Somewhere somehow it's in there, and it's one of the hardest sins to overcome.  The children of Israel was mingling with the very nation that sought to destroy them.  Baal Peor or Balaam son of Peor could not curse the children for money so he did the next worst thing.  I can only imagine he got a fat cheque for his services. Numbers 22-25

It is this same spirit and doctrine in our present time that's corrupting the present day Church of Jesus Christ.  The love of money is indeed the root of all evil.  But why in this present day and age there is a revival of this spirit of Balaam?  2 Timothy 3 tell us that in the last days perilous times shall come. Men/women, will be lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unthankful, unholy, unloving, without self control, brutal. despisers of good, traitors, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of Godliness but denying its power.  It continues, and as it does, the encouragement comes as the urgency to hold fast to the word of God is vital for survival.  That the scriptures are able to make us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. That too is a theme that continues to remind us that the time is nearer than when we first believed, that the night is far spent and the day is at hand.  It is time for the child of God to wake up out of sleep and behold our redemption is nigh.  It is even at the door.
2 Timothy 3 Romans 13

BALAAM SON OF PEOR  ( Who are the Nicolaitans? )

Study list
Numbers 22-25
Revelation 2
2 Timothy 3
2 Peter 2

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


(Does the church of England need women bishops?) 

One woman in the right place at the right time can make all the difference.  The same can be said for the man too.  Some one said when God couldn't find a man he sends a woman.  That statement may sound as if God is at times left without a plan but as far as I know, God always has a plan.  When men are not where they should be women often step up to the plate.  They have no other choice.  But that does not make it the right or the best form of action. When this happens it creates an imbalance and unnecessary conflict between men and women.  Proverbs 31 Woman

Take Adam and Eve. It was Adam's responsibility to protect Eve, because God gave him the commandment to not eat the fruit from off the tree from which God commanded him not to.  Fine, Adam went about his day, seems he didn't even look at the tree since then.  After while God observed Adam and saw his heart.  There was no one like him among all that God gave him.  God said it was not good for the man to be alone.....So God put him to sleep and took a rib from Adam and with that God made Eve.  Awesome Eve.  When Adam saw her I imagine his jaw dropped, wow, this is now flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. Genesis 2

Amazing, did Adam knew then and there what God had done? I imagine tears came to his eyes when he saw her.  It was the longing of his heart and God knew that.  Now when Satan presented himself and deceived Eve into eating from the tree.  Nothing happened. It was only after Adam ate the fruit that both their eyes were open.  At that point it was Adam's rightful position as the one who the commandment was given to, and as head, to say to eve, his wife.  No my love, this is not God's will for us, take the fruit from her and chuck it.  Satan will always attack the one who was given the commandment.  He will will always cause you to question God's authority and his word. To imply that God is lying or he is not who he say he is and to deny his power.  To imply that God is dishonest. That he is keeping you from having a good time or holding back from you what you should have. When in fact God is protecting you from certain death.  Spiritual death and in some cases physical death.  Some of us would have been dead long time if it had not been for the Love and mercy of God.
Bishop speaks of headship.  Genesis 3

STAY IN TUNE WITH GOD 1 Corinthians 12
In the body of Christ, which is the church, Jesus Christ is the head on his body, the church.  If a woman is made a bishop then the type and form of the role of headship has been compromised.  And does not resemble the order God sets in place for the man and the woman.  It would be a distortion to the biblical view and scripturally unsound. The example is the same in marriage.  The husband is the head of the relationship, head of the home.  When the man, the husband is not in his place in the home, in the marriage. Chaos ensues.  Satan finds a way to break the marriage because he always attack the one who has the role of headship.  And he will use the wife to challenge that head and many times totally unaware to the wife or woman.  So if the man or husband is not in tune with God, he doesn't know how to protect his wife and the marriage/relationship falls apart. All kinds of external pressures come against the relationship.  Sometimes if not most of the time, it is the simplest issues that if not dealt with with wisdom, can destroy the relationship/marriage.

BISHOP OF MY SOUL 1 Peter 2:24,25

Study list
Genesis 2,3,4,5,
Proverbs 31
1 Peter 2
Ephesians 3,5
1 Corinthians 12
Titus 1,2,3.

Thursday, 15 November 2012



The Unsuspecting world
Mmm.....compulsory's the new word for Forced...makes me think....In the future the Mark of the beast will be introduced to the human race.....on a compulsory condition. The purpose of the 666 system will be to completely control the social and economic system of the entire globe.

No doubt people will complain just like they do now but will get use to the new system, and life will carry on as usual. But with grave consequences. The Mark of the beast, as it is called in the Bible, will be implemented by the future new world leader. It is said that he causes all, both great and small, rich and poor to receive a mark. That no one will be able to buy or sell without the Mark.

2 Corinthians 6
The Mark is a number. It is the number of a man. It would seem that things and events in this world are escalating at an alarming rate. For some it will be just another day, for others it will be a matter of, 'I told you so.' And for some, they wont care less. For others they will still be saying, 'Oh, I don't believe in all that old mumbojumbo rubbish; just as they say now. And for the rest, it will be a massive wake up call. But will it be too late for them who find themselves standing in a bank line rubbing their forehead or forearm from a freshly implanted Compulsory social and economic mark of conditioning and ownership? The Antichrist

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17

Revelation 13
2 Thessalonians 2
1 John 2
1 John 4
Daniel 7:8

Thursday, 8 November 2012


The Blindness that is in the world through unbelief & 
The New Life in that is available through Christ Jesus.
John 5:1- 47

State of the world 
So blind and refuse to see, so deaf and will not hear, so wise yet all our wisdom is foolishness.  God has not left us without a way, nor has he hidden himself.  The Father/God has given his word to us to live by, to learn of him, to know him in a personal way.  He came in the person of his son Jesus Christ to do for us what we could not do.  That is, to break the power of sin.  The thing that leads us to death.  That causes murder, death, kill, greed and all the evils in the world.  Mankind brought this on himself when he turned his ear to Satan.  By one man's disobedience sin entered the world and death by sin.  And so by one man's obedience forgiveness of sins and reconciliation to God entered the world. That man meaning Christ Jesus.  We were made by God for God, to have fellowship with him.  By him we live and move and have our being.  The spirit within man craves for union with the creator.  There is one thing that separates you from your heavenly father/God.  That thing is Sin.  It is written, For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Death, meaning not just the end result of dying but death which speaks of being separated from God.  To live without God is to live in a form of death.  Like a zombie if you like.  There is movement  but there is no life. ( ) John 5:40

New Life in Christ
To live is more than just breathing, and without the spirit man cannot live.  When you come into relationship with God the father, then you will begin to live.  Anything else, your just waiting to die. Jesus said.  'I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.'  I really hope and pray that someone who reads this will start to realise that God does love them and is waiting for them to make a decision about their lives, and to move towards Jesus Christ in repentance and walk into a new experience.  New life in Christ and with the father/God.

2 Corinthians 5:17
It is written, If any man/woman be in Christ, they are a new creature/new person, old things are passed way, behold/look and realize, all things are become new.  The way to God the father is simple. Repent of your sins, turn away from your wrong lifestyle which leads you to death/separation from God and his love.  And surrender your heart to Christ.

 In prayer you may use these words as your words or the meaning of these words in your own words.  Either way it will be your confession as you enter into newness of life in Christ. Bless you.

A Prayer of repentance and salvation
Almighty God, i come to you in repentance, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and i need you, Forgive me of my sins, i accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour, who died and rose again for my salvation, Amen.

What next?
If you have prayed this prayer or similar in your own words then you have just entered the Kingdom of God, your heavenly father.  Now get a hold of a Holy Bible and spend some time each day reading it.  And before your read pray and ask God to speak to you and help you to understand his word. Then find a bible believing church to attend so that you will grow in the grace of God.  Or you can reply to this post to me and i will try and help.

No More Separation 

  Bible References. A Reading study list.

  1 Corinthians 3:19
  Genesis 3
  Romans 5
  Romans 6
  Acts 17
  John 5
  John 10
  Ephesians 2

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Unbelief & the Deceitfulness of Sin (That I May Know I Him)

That I May Know Him /Unbelief & the Deceitfulness of Sin 
Psalm 106- 1 Corinthians 2-3. Philippians 3. Hebrews 3, 12
The warning of failing of the grace of God through unbelief and hardening of the heart through the deceitfulness of sin.
This speaks to believers about the importance of being faithful. Holding fast to your profession is just as important as it is to hold on to it, not just holding a thing but securely with endurance. Take for example Esau who for one moment to satisfy his cravings to be sustained.  Sold his birth rights.  ( ) 
Esau faced his hour of temptation and despised the gift of God on his life. Esau saw no profit in keeping his profession, (His Birthright) he lost track of its value. Esau traded in his birth right, for something immediate and passing. Therein lies the meaning of the deceitfulness of sin. Sin tricks us into thinking that the substitute is better.  It's never better.
There are two things that go hand in hand, Confidence and Rejoicing. The believers’ victory dance is an outward showing of an inward profession of faith. Jesus said, “It is finished” You might say, it's time to rejoice.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after flesh but after the spirit. For the law in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.  Christ changed what was going to be your last chance and gave a you a second chance.
He made a new law, a law that now says you're no under condemnation, when you give your life to him.  Under sin, outside of salvation in Christ, you are in danger.  The wages of sin is death, meaning if you continue to live a sinful life, your going to be in separation from God.  The death here it's not just the end result but the now result.  The now result is a life sentence of death, the exclusion of that sweet relationship you could have through Christ in God.  It's like being divorced while your ex still lives.  The relationship is dead, there is no fruit  that can come from it. Separated from, living but not having real life, death. You are not really alive until you are in Christ and he in you. He came from heaven to earth for you and all who will receive him, he will never cast away.  Those are his words not mine.
( Romans 8:1 )  
There is nothing the believer can do to change this fact. No weapon that is formed against us shall ever prosper, because of the finished work of Jesus Christ. In that Jesus died, he died unto sin once. Christ wont be going back up on the cross again friend, it's a done deal, it is truly finished. The nest step is yours, you must come to this knowledge and receive his sacrifice for you and repent.  Repent simply means to turn away form your old way of living, turn direction.  Turn to God with your heart.  Dont stress about how holy you feel you have to be, learn from Jesus and you will  begin to desire to be holy, and he will help you in every struggle you face in life.  
Temptation not only comes by way of right and wrong. But the believers’ hour of temptation comes during the battle, striving against sin. When after prolong battle. When weariness sets in. And nothing seems to change. Your confidence is tried. Your needs, wants and desires seem to outweigh your faith. Sins apparent overwhelming dominates desire you into thinking, what’s the use. We lose joy and rejoicing, sin deceives us into changing confession from faith to needs. 

Sin tells us that needs must be met. Our wants are most important. I am hungry, I need someone and I am too poor. When our needs are not met, we gradually become bitter, and resentful. We can’t rejoice with them that rejoice because we want what they have. It seems unfair. So we decide that the only way to get our needs met is to step out of faithfulness and righteousness. And seek to attain our wants. Or we try to gratify our cravings. Another thing that takes place is hardness of heart. We are no longer tender hearted concerning the things of God. We slowly stop believing God. We struggle with fundamental faith. We become prone to other spiritualist systems, substitute religion, a form of Godliness but in fact it denies the the true power of God and his work in our lives. Deception has taken a toll on our hearts.

 Israel grieved God with their unbelief . His promises, his purpose, his word found no resting place in their hearts. To rest in the Lord is to let his word rest in our hearts and live in the confidence of who God is and what he has declared and said. Every time I struggle with faith I battle with unbelief. I force God to prove himself yet again because the last 5 times God proved himself i was not fully convinced he is really true.  My attitude says I don’t believe you. You have to show me again if it’s really you.  
God said that the people alway err in their hearts and they have not known his ways. They were not able to predict what God would do because they did not know him. They did not find a place of rest in him.  God, though he proved himself for 40 years to the Israelites because of unbelief. Still they erred because they from the start did not believe in God.  They struggled with trusting his word.  Perhaps they always felt there was another explanation to what they were experiencing.

They would have seen the sorcery of Egypt and the demonic practices of the heather nations around them. Doubt and a firm belief in God seemed to have evaded them continually.
So Paul in Philippians 3, was saying that he counted all things but dung, he count them loss, and was willing to suffer the loss of all things for Christ. That he may know him. There is a prize that is worth the cost you pay. The prize of the high calling in Christ is worth the suffering we as believers go through. In the end, the sufferings we experience won't stand compared to the glories that will be revealed in us. To be perfect is to maintain humility. Romans 8:18

Paul goes on to make a list of eliminations. Paul declares he has counted what he had before Christ, loss, so that he may know Christ. He confesses that he was not yet perfected. That he was following on after Christ that he may attain him for that which he was apprehended by Christ.
Paul realised that there were much more to gain in knowing Christ. And suffering the loss of the previous was more than worth while exchange, sufferings included.  That is was paramount to the procurement of what lies before him. The prize of the high calling in Christ, so Paul says I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

There is a reoccurring word that appears often in these passages of scripture, as Paul admonishes the believers regarding the pursuit of the prize of the high calling.
Hebrews 3:6 If we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

Hebrews 10:24 let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering (for he is faithful that promised)
Philippians 4:1 therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the lord, my dearly beloved.

Colossians 1:23   If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister.

Paul goes on to describe his commitment and joy. Paul was eager to take his show of suffering as to him it seemed a debt he must pay. Not to clear his name but as if it was a kind of glory exchange. A right of passage and also that God had given him a special ministry.
                      That I may know him 

Study References
Philippians 3:4
Hebrews 3:10:12
Psalms 106
Amos 3,4
Corinthians 15: 54-58
Colossians 1:23 
Colossians 3

The True Genesis

THAT I MAY KNOW HIM  From Genesis to John chapter one, a true declaration and account of the beginning of all things. There is no doubt who ...