Saturday, 18 February 2017

There Can Only Be One

The problem is that Islam was fundamentally founded upon and by extreme measures, and by man's efforts, it is still at its core an ideology, that demands submission. To take that away from Islam is to not speak the truth of it on a whole. After world leaders have spent years appeasing and changing the language to accommodate, they are now having to backtrack and revert to plain speaking; so much so now that politicians seem to know more about Islam than the extremist's themselves.

I suppose the extremists would find this attempt at clarification of their so-called holy text insulting. Thus speaking in such terms, only makes them more determined and embroiled. Still, it's good to hear some of the powers that be ''Speak out,'' though it's not seeing with eyes wide open. There are a few things that some politicians seem to not be able to come to terms with and here are a few.

1. Islam will never be democratic neither can its followers claim to be true to Islam and accept that way of living. Else they will be deemed apostates by their own book.

2. Sharia Law will never be compatible with the laws of other nations, not now, not ever. If they do not bring that nation to the submission to Islam they are not true Muslims and are in violation of their very own book.
So moderates at some point will eventually turn to fully practise or even to the extreme because it's what their book demands.  If you really want to change the way Islam regards the sanctity and freedom of human beings and of free will: then you will have to change some of what the Koran teaches about its core belief system of law and structure. And that! will never happen. But hey who am I to say never right!?

3. In Christianity Jesus Christ is well established as the son of God, actually, God says so himself and that there is no other way to the father/God but by Jesus Christ.  The fundamental truth concerning Jesus is that he is not the only son of God but that he is God manifested in the flesh, now don't be confused by this.  God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself according to scripture.  God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient;  he is also sovereign. Almighty, all-knowing, there is nothing too hard for him so it's certainly not hard for God to have a son.  If we are considered to be the children of God why is it so hard for Islam to accept Jesus as the son of God?

You see in Islam there is no saviour, no mediator between God and mankind, no way for man to be made right with God again; just to simply submit is to say your sin is not that bad really.  That God will simply overlook your sin and accept your submission without admission, without repentance.  That without the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ sin can be removed by a simple submission, if that was the case then Adam and eve could have stayed in the garden of Eden and Christ would never have had to be crucified.  In essence, his death would have been in vain if that was the case according to Islam. But the wages of sin is still death and unless men admit their sin to Christ and repent, thus receiving Jesus as Lord and saviour; the end result will be hell and damnation.  No chance of release nor restoration.  You see because we understand this, the love of God compels us to walk right, submission is a cry of the heart and not a force to be reckoned with, for how can a man force you to submit when you are blind to the fact that you are in danger if you don't?

It is the word of God that makes you aware of the pending destruction to your soul and of sin's destructive nature. The conviction of the holy spirit brings you to a place of repentance, to the point of turn around.  It's a personal thing, it's you and God reasoning together that though your sins are like crimson, they shall be white as snow.  That God through Christ stands poised to wash you and make you whole. You must acknowledge and turn from you're a sinful lifestyle.  It was by one man's disobedience that plunged the world into darkness and it is by one man's obedience that breaks the darkness and pours in the light.  It is by the act of your will to obey what God is requiring of you that will save your soul.  So if you hear him urging you and speaking to you today please don't harden your heart to the voice of God.

We know that the "prophet" Muhammad was given a message as he claimed an angel thus breaking one of the fundamental rules of engaging with spirit beings.
"For Satan, himself is transformed as an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.  Galatians 1:8

According to the Holy word of God the Islamic prophet is declared to be accursed.
That you are never to take the word of a spirit being without comparing it to the word of God.  If what the angel is saying does not line up with the word of God then it must not be obeyed or followed.  Especially something as epic as bringing a new doctrine and scripture.  Islam teaches that the son of God did not come in the flesh, that he is not the son of God thus totally denying the father and the son. This is the spirit of anti-Christ.  In fact, anyone who preaches a message that denies the Son of God is under the influence of the antichrist spirit, and if an angel came to Muhammad and gave him a whole new text which by its conclusion denies the son, then he was no doubt lied to and received an anti-christ message plain and simple, in light of the word of God.

I could go on but here are some scriptures where you could study and gain some understanding, that there is only one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. For is was born of a woman thus he came in the flesh, he was sinless and pure till the day he took our sins upon Him on the cross, He made himself a sacrifice for sin, died and rose again in his resurrection body having cleansed sting of death claiming the victory over the grave.  Ascended up to the father and is sat down on the right hand of the father pure and holy the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth.  Your Lord and king, your kinsman-redeemer, your mediator.  The promised one, the Word who became flesh and walked among us and we beheld his glory, the one who walked among us and the world did not know it was him. I tell my friend this is gospel truth, this is wonderful and awesome good news that there is a savour and he loves you with all of his heart.  Come out from the deception and receive the only way to God, Christ Jesus the Lord; you're redeemer and saviour.

Visit the link below to listen to podcasts, may you be blessed and inspired as you study the word of God and get prepared for all that is to come.
Audio Podcast link here: That I May Know Him (Podcast)

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